Thursday, August 6, 2009

You Know You Are Astroturf and a Nazi When

You know you are well-dressed AstroTurf and a Nazi, when you actually believe in our government and want to see less government interference into our daily lives. Or so say Speaker Pelosi and "Senator" Boxer.

So the liberal Democrats can't fight truth with truth so they resort to name calling.

Barbara Boxer's fantasy world of well-dressed people may be the next step towards the loony bin. Oops, name calling sorry, Ma'am.

I am very insulted by the Speaker though. How dare she compare me to Nazis? I am one of those she calls Nazi AstroTurf, yet I am not paid by anyone nor have I been pushed towards standing up for my rights. She is a bag of hot air, who honestly thinks she is something way more than she is.

As it is, the White House is now trying to squash the freedom of speech by trying to get neighbors to tattle on neighbors. What? They want you to send them the name and email addresses and "possible" suspected bad words of people that may have said something negative or controversial about the President. Sounds like the Illinois Mafia bosses in the White House are trying to squelch free speech and the right against warrantless search and seizure. Are they moving from socialism to communism?

It is getting pretty touchy with the Democrats. Maybe we should resort to name calling also, since being well-dressed and concerned is a crime in their minds. They seem to believe that demonizing normal people will make them look less idiotic and more intelligent. Those poopyheads.

The preceding was paid for by me in the manner of time and concern for the United States as a nation of free people who desire to be involved with their political processes. Isn't that what these liberal hippies preached against about the "man" back when they were younger? Tirade over.

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