Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Save My Health Care

I have been thinking lately about how we could make health insurance more affordable and accessible to everyone.

Well, let's look.

For the most part, about 50 million people are without any coverage (the numbers go up and down depending upon who you speak with.

Of the 50 about 11 million are probably illegal aliens and about 9 million are people who live at or below the poverty level.

Now, what about the rest? From various sources, many are young single or married people who are healthy and still thinks that health care is what happens when you drink a diet soda instead of a regular one.

Most of the 50 million could afford health care coverage but choose not because that coverage eats into their fun money. But can we make it more affordable?

Well Medicare helps the seniors and Medicaid assists those who are living in poverty. We could takes some extra money and refurbish these programs for better management.

My idea for the rest:

My wife and I participate in a program in which we pay for our health care through her employer. We have a family plan that is very affordable. But we pay through the state plan which offers a few insurance options. We choose the one we liked and are very happy with it.

Why can't we do the same for everyone else? Why can't banks or credit unions or communities offer the same programs to their people?

As a minister, I could get health care coverage through my denomination. I don't because the coverage is very expensive (there are more older people involved with it than younger which keeps the cost too high).

Why can't we help insurance companies to get tax credits for lowering costs and providing better premiums?

Until Congress and the President deal with these very questions (which would cost tons less than their plan), I will not support this federal option.

Thanks for reading my opinion on this. What are your ideas?

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