Friday, August 7, 2009

Great News on the Unemployment Front

The news that unemployment went down, came as a surprise to experts though signs of the recovery seem to have been emerging over the past couple of months.

I am glad that some people are beginning to find employment and get back to normalizing their lives. I am yet still critical as to how this turn should be understood.

Case in point, how much of the stimulus money has actually been spent? I keep hearing from various sources that the money has yet to be distributed other than what some of the states have received. This morning they report that only 15% of that money has actually been disbursed.

So if, most of the money has not been spent as of yet, was the stimulus really necessary, and should we keep it on the books?

My biggest fear is that we will take the good news, assume that everything is going good again, and we end up pushing off the problem instead of fixing it. The problem, as I keep posting, is the incredible growth of our national debt which, if not dealt with, will keep our bubble economy poised for more and larger bursts.

Our culture seems to become blind in the good times. If we ignore the national debt and keep the deficit at all time highs, we can be assured that our problems will get worse with each economic hiccup. We have to deal with the debt now, not later!

My only hope is that even though I am still very opposed to the stimulus, that we can quickly move past it in order to begin dealing with the debt we owe.

The rich rule over the poor, and the borrower is servant to the lender. Proverbs 22:7 (NIV)

The more we borrow, the less we lead as a nation. The more we borrow, the less influence we have as a nation. The more we borrow, the less seriously rogue nations will take us. The more we borrow, the sooner we could go broke and subservient to those who guaranteed our debts.

We can drill here, drill now and get jobs here, jobs now, but until we start paying off the debt, our backs will be against the wall. Tell our Congress that debt is bad in all cases and start reigning in their spending!

As a nation that once held to its Judeo-Christian heritage, we should honor God by returning to the principles laid down by God which keep us from facing the problems we face now. Today's principle is to stop being borrowers so we can become givers. How do you see it?

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