Friday, August 21, 2009

Morality in Politics

I want to tell a story today:

A young man quickly moved up through the ranks in his career. He had great intelligence and wisdom that surpassed the elders who had controlled power for more years than the people were willing to admit. In fact, many of those who had power had corrupted the system to benefit their lifestyles for many years, and they felt very threatened by this young newcomer.

The newcomer made people feel good about themselves and gave them hope as they aspired to make lives better for themselves. This newcomer threatened the status quo of the popular leaders because he was just and did the right things.

A weekly meeting was started in order to find a way to trip up this young man. These corrupt leaders sought many ways to bring this young man down but they could not find anyone brave enough to bring charges against him.

The young man held strong to his faith even though he was hundreds of miles away from his country, having been snatched away by the domination of a powerful army. He only had what his parents had instilled in his life - faith, virtue, truth, and peace. He used these character traits to make a difference in the lives of those around him.

The young man's example had encouraged three friends to stand up for their rights even in the midst of a death sentenced gone wrong. They stood tall and came through the ordeal without the stench of the smoke that was being blown their way.

This young man was becoming a national hero but not to the people he now served. His people had been uprooted from their nation and now worked hard to make a new life in a new land while desperately trying to hold to traditions of old.

The angry elders, failing to find fault with this man, finally decided to do what any desperate sinner does when their guilt is highlighted by the right actions of others. They decided to change the laws in order to attack the young man's religion; a religion of peace and well-being, a religion that brought positive change to the lives of those who followed it, these evil-mongers decided to make it illegal to perform a certain faith practice - the practice of prayer.

This young man did not go into the center of the city to protest this travesty. Instead, he sought the encouragement of God from an upper room in his own home. The hate filled leaders had taken "big brother" tactics to new levels as they set people up to watch for this young man to pray. The spies came back with the report; the evil leaders now had all they needed to have this young man thrown in prison and executed.

Unfortunately, the reluctant head of state had signed into law a law that would condemn to death the one person he could trust to tell the truth. You see, the corrupted leaders had created so many mental viruses that their view of life had to condemn truth because truth led to an upheaval of all the power they had amassed from the lies they spread. They had spent great amounts of money to secure their power, and they would not let a young man ruin it by confirming that absolute truth existed.

For punishment, the young man was cast into the presence of Death. Beleaguered, the young man turned to his only source of hope. He knelt before death but prayed to life. Death was taken aback at the tenacious prayer being presented. Death had long awaited this opportunity to punish the faith of those who believed in the one true God. Death had wanted to crush the spirit of those who held to this "worthless" following, but only because Death wanted truth to be crushed so he could rule the helpless with his rules for life.

Death had spend centuries developing religions to counter this one belief in the one true God. His followers amounted in the millions yet they mattered not to him. He wanted total control. He wanted to hurt the very One who had given him life. Distorting the truth was just the beginning. He had already drawn up plans for a new religion that would mar the truth and combine religious views of this faith with others. He was poised now to release his vengeance, and it started with this young man caught in the middle of the fight between good and evil.

Now was the moment for Death to strike and cut the throat of one who embodied this faith. Death prepared to leap upon his his intended victim, but something happened that was unseen by this prevaricator of hate. Light stepped between him and this young man. Truth prevailed, and the young man was set free.

Now this is a true story. It is my version of the story of Daniel and his brush with death at the hands of leaders who wanted him dead for his faith.

Daniel's story still rings true today. Men and women seek desperately to eradicate Christianity from our founding history. They seek to disparage truth by claiming absolute truth does not exist. They teach it to our children in school. They make laws about it in our courts. They have attacked the reading of the Bible. They fight hatefully to end prayer. They embrace counter cultures and faiths that counter Christianity.

What is their desire? Simply to hurt God. Daniel's story is now our story. Look at how the politicians of our day use faith for gain instead of being men and women like Daniel who used faith to guide and guarder his life. Who could argue against this:
But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law. Galatians 5:22-23 (NIV)
I like how Eugene Peterson puts this:
But what happens when we live God's way? He brings gifts into our lives, much the same way that fruit appears in an orchard—things like affection for others, exuberance about life, serenity. We develop a willingness to stick with things, a sense of compassion in the heart, and a conviction that a basic holiness permeates things and people. We find ourselves involved in loyal commitments, not needing to force our way in life, able to marshal and direct our energies wisely.
Legalism is helpless in bringing this about; it only gets in the way.
Galatians 5:22-23 (MSG)
Hope you enjoyed the story, but I hope you do not let the story end here. Our nation was founded on principles of faith that saw the equality of all men and women while providing for the rights granted by God. Know the truth and the truth will keep us free!

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