Monday, March 30, 2009

Church-Going Leader

What would regular attendance to a Christian church service do for a leader? Not much if the person is there just for votes or just to be seen. Even less if the "church" is off base on its biblical teachings.

Just attending church does not make one holy or right with God. Church attendance has become no more than a social networking service for many people.

We must also consider how to encourage each other to show love and to do good things. We should not stop gathering together with other believers, as some of you are doing. Instead, we must continue to encourage each other even more as we see the day of the Lord coming.
Hebrews 10:24-25 (GW)
Here the Bible tells us that we are to encourage each other to do "good things" and to "show love." Somewhere in the past 200 years of the existence of the United States, this has become lost in translation.

If you and I want good leaders, then we should want someone who believes in truth and has integrity. The Christian faith is a lifestyle choice. Believing, that Jesus dies for our sins and accepting that He therefore can forgive us, is just the beginning of our Christian life. We also have to make lifestyle choices that honor and respect God and His way for living.

Gathering together at church is where we firm up our convictions through encouraging each other - not just to go get our God fix. True leaders are not afraid of the humility that grows from following God, and in my opinion, our public officials need to undergo a weekly dosage of this kind of humility.

Leaders who submit to biblical teaching are more more apt to have moral ethics and will act upon those ethics for the betterment of our society and not weigh their decision upon public opinion or popular thinking. They act upon standards and convictions that restrain them from acting too quickly in crisis and from acting too slowly when decisions have to be made. Their decisions are founded on principle.

To take a quote from Moses, I wish that all our leaders had the Spirit of God upon them.

How would we benefit from a leader who actually went to church regularly?

Truth and integrity matter. They are the sole character traits that make or break great leaders. Could you vote for a liar or thief with good conscience? How much more could our President get done if he was holding Bible studies in the White House instead of the weekly Wednesday night brandy parties?

Someone with faith understands purpose. I do not want daydreamers running our country. Faith provides purpose, and purpose attends to focus. Focus increases drive and passion. Too many of our public officials lack drive and have little innovation. Suppressing truth like many ultra-liberals wish to do, crushes drive and increases ones ability to manipulate and control mindsets.

Christianity is a threat to many because it inspires and removes distractions. It also encourages us to live in peace with everyone and to act with kindness. Kindness cures bitterness. Christianity also teaches against sexual immorality which some would claim to be repression instead of freedom. The problem here is that any sin, including sexual sins, are distractions and keep people from achieving their best.

The benefits of a "church-goer" grow into character. I want to be able to choose people with character; people who:
  • show love
  • do the right things
  • strive for peace
  • act in kindness
  • listen to God
  • refuse sinful practices to avoid distractions
  • extend hospitality
  • hold marriage with honor
  • aren't driven by money
  • have principle and moral ethics
  • accept authority as well as act in authority

What more would you want from a leader?

Friday, March 27, 2009

Why Do They Hide Adultery?

The eye of the adulterer watches for dusk; he thinks, 'No eye will see me,' and he keeps his face concealed. Job 24:15 (NIV)

If adultery wasn't so bad, then why do men (and women) hide what they are doing? Why is it such a big secret? Could it be because they feel guilty?

President Clinton led a grand jury on a wild goose chase as he dodged questions about his sinful act of infidelity by quibbling over the definition of "is". An asinine way to keep things in the "dark".

Adulterers meet in the dusk because the dusk is the most difficult time of day to see. Why? Because our eyes are making the adjustment to the dark. The adulterer does it mainly because they think that they will not get caught.

The question is, does adultery make a person ineffective to lead?

But a man who commits adultery lacks judgment; whoever does so destroys himself. Prov 6:32 (NIV)
Adultery is a brainless act, soul-destroying, self-destructive; 33 Expect a bloody nose, a black eye, and a reputation ruined for good. Prov 6:32-33 (MSG)
Notice how adultery is characterized in both versions. Adultery is self-destructive. How capable are people who are indulging in their sexual desires with someone other than their spouse? Do you wonder if they may be distracted trying to find out how to make the next "night visit"? Of course they are.

And then there is the fear of being caught thing. Black eyes and bloody noses are the least to be expected. If we lived in biblical times, then we would know adultery as a capital offense, which deserved none other than death.

The NIV version says that a person who commits adultery lacks judgment. How stable is a person who spends most of their time cheating on their spouse or chasing after some other person's spouse? If they have standards for relationship set that low then how much lower are their standards for leadership?

Adultery ruins reputations forever. People spend lifetimes trying to rebuild their lives when they are caught in an adulterous relationship.

But President Clinton stayed on as president.

Yes, unfortunately he did but look how ineffective he became afterward. His reputation is still impugned, and he is rarely seen with his wife.

This isn't a pick on Mr. Clinton post though. He unfortunately fit the topic. I pray that he was really sincere in his repentance and that he has changed his ways. Jesus forgives and so should we.
An adulterous woman consumes a man, then wipes her mouth and says, “What’s wrong with that?” Prov 30:20 (NLT)

For a leader to be effective, they cannot be consumed by sinful immoral acts. They will continually act as if it doesn't matter or that it is just a personal matter. I am sorry but you cannot separate the personal life from the public life unless you have multiple personalities. Your ethics will show in both areas of your life. If you lack moral ethics in your personal life you will act without moral ethics in your public life.

If we as Christians do not hold our leaders up to higher moral standards, then they will continue to live in dark corners spending more time making new liaisons instead of acting on behalf of those they serve.

Help them out. Vote for a person who holds marriage in the highest regard. You will see a big difference in the ethics of that person as compared to the lack of moral ethics of the one who commits adultery. Plus, a moral person is a lot easier to trust.

Blessings accrue on a good and honest life, but the mouth of the wicked is a dark cave of abuse. A good and honest life is a blessed memorial; a wicked life leaves a rotten stench. Prov 10:6-7 (MSG)
The truth is in the lifestyle. Choose leaders wisely. Remove the stench from government.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Identifying the Political Knave

I used Charles Finney quotes the other day to help steer a short series of posts I am beginning. If you haven't read it: A Nation Falls Without Leadership

"There's trouble ahead when you live only for the approval of others, saying what flatters them, doing what indulges them. Popularity contests are not truth contests—look how many scoundrel preachers were approved by your ancestors! Your task is to be true, not popular." Luke 6:26 (MSG)

According to the dictionary, a knave is "an unprincipled, untrustworthy, or dishonest person." This person can be crafty or skilled in their manipulation of others. Know anyone like that? As Jesus says in the verse from Luke, trouble emerges from living only for the approval of others (hence the "woe to you" in other versions).

I am amazed at how many of today's politicians seem to have become "flattery" driven individuals who look to indulge the whims of the people instead of providing leadership. Many are very skilled at indulgence, feeding people a little agenda at a time hoping to addict them to their subversion or weaken their resolve. How many times have you heard, lately, that we are in dire straits and heading towards an impending disaster? Didn't God say He would always watch over us, when we do the right things?

These politicians flow with popular opinion and are at times frozen or afraid to take a stance even when the popular view is blatantly wrong. They are quick to blame others and remain sly when providing answers.

But what can we do about it?

Knaves cannot be trusted so don't trust them. I mean it. They say trust me and do completely opposite things behind our backs (some in front of us). Look for someone you can support or demand accountability from your representative but beware of their skills and deflection tactics.

Elect honest people. Integrity follows an honest person. For example, honest people pay their taxes and don't answer questions with questions.

Good leaders "cultivate honest speech". They are not intimidated by opposing views and consider the truth.

Good leaders cultivate honest speech; they love advisors who tell them the truth. Prov 16:13 (MSG)

The best way to identify a knave is found in Proverbs 21:29:
Unscrupulous people fake it a lot; honest people are sure of their steps. Prov 21:29 (MSG)

Who do you know that is sure of their footsteps and would make an honest representative in government?

The Indecency of FOX Programming

As popular as FOX News has become, their network programming has become completely immoral and outright disgusting.

For example, recently the cartoon aimed at adults but rated for ninth graders, Family Guy, aired an episode about the injection of the "gay gene" into the primary father character. I don't watch the show. Supposedly it gets very crude and disgusting from that point on. I am surprised many homosexuals don't take offense to the crude display of immorality in this one.

I am so disgusted by what has been reported I can't bring myself to even write out what occurred. If you are that curious, be warned you may lose your lunch: AFA Report "Family Guy"

I hope you click on the link at the bottom of that page and send an indecency report to the FCC. FOX needs to be held accountable for what they show at prime time. Parents, I would ban that station for viewing. We as Christians have to take a stand or as the song says, "It's a slow fade..."

Stand up for decency in programming.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Baby Steps To Fix the Economy

Why don't we use a page from Dave Ramsey and use Baby Steps to help the economy recover:

  • Baby step 1: Set aside $500 Billion in an emergency fund - not to be touched unless all of Congress gives blood and goes back to part time
  • Baby Step 2: Pay off all national debt using the debt snowball!
  • Baby Step 3: Set aside 3 to 6 years minimal spending for basics in government - again not to be touched for any reason Congress can think of
  • Baby Step 4: Use 15% of government income to fix Social security and move us towards individual savings accounts
  • Baby Step 5: Get rid of the federal control on education and use the money to support vouchers to be used at parental discretion
  • Baby Step 6: Set aside money to pay for public housing for Congress or Fix all interest rates for housing at 4% (30 years) and 5% (15 years)
  • Baby Step 7: Go to a new tax system to allow Americans to build wealth for themselves! Fair tax or flat tax - just do something to take the bite out of Congressional misteps in power

Friday, March 20, 2009

A Nation Falls Without Leadership

For lack of guidance a nation falls, but many advisers make victory sure.Proverbs 11:14 (NIV)

As much as I would like to see a political party embrace only Christian views, I think that would be a disaster. Let me explain before you decide to stop reading.

  • An all Christian party should reflect an all Christian society. We do not live in such a society.

The real factor for the success of a political party should be seen in the embracing of moral values that stem from the Judeo-Christian faith. That stance is a lot different and can be more inclusive.

Does this mean that Christians should not be involved in politics and hold our nation to a standard of living that reflects our values? Absolutely not.

The surest way of gaining wise guidance or leadership for our nation is for informed Christians to actively participate in voting or even as candidates. We have too often turned politics over to dishonest and disrespectful men and women because we fear that politics is for those who are corruptible. This is such a farce.

Charles Finney said it this way:

"...the time has come that Christians must vote for honest men, and take consistent ground in politics, or the Lord will curse them." — Revival Lectures

That's a very bold statement. Finney was a huge supporter of ending slavery and extending rights to the enslaved black Americans. He once said, "It is a great national sin. It is a sin of the Church."

There have been too many people who wash their hands of sinful practices in government all because they prayed about it instead of making their voices heard or they take the shameful neutral ground because they believe everything in politics doesn't have a moral ground for argument.

This is why our nation is floundering and threatened by world economic domination. Christians haven't called for righteous men and women to stand in the gap and hold our nation to standards of moral fortitude. Here's another statement from Finney:

"They (the voters) must be honest men themselves, and instead of voting for a man because he belongs to their party, Bank or Anti-Bank, Jackson, or Anti-Jackson, they must find out whether he is honest and upright, and fit to be trusted. They must let the world see that the Church will uphold no man in office, who is known to be a knave, or an adulterer, or a Sabbath-breaker, or a gambler, or a drunkard." — Revival Lectures

What would happen to politics in America if we held our leaders to this standard? I am including Republican, Democrat, Libertarian, and whomever else. Those in all parties can be held to these standards and should be held to them. If they violate them - they lose their position!

This is not hatred nor bigotry nor anything else that demeans people, and it is not a "test of faith". We in the church can hold our leaders up to certain standards. This is why unfaithful pastors are removed from their positions. This is why pastors who cheat on their taxes or are unfaithful in stewardship are put to shame. We have standards in the church and holding our governmental leaders to such standards is not wrong nor should it be discouraged.

Notice what Finney said about the voter - "they must be honest". We ourselves should be held to the same standards and abide by those rules. Our national future will depend upon changing our view of politics and understanding what government is for.

"...the time has come when they must act differently, or God will curse the nation, and withdraw his spirit. As on the subject of slavery and temperance, so on this subject, the Church must act right or the country will be ruined. God cannot sustain this free and blessed country, which we love and pray for, unless the Church will take right ground. Politics are a part of religion in such a country as this, and Christians must do their duty to the country as a part of their duty to God. It seems sometimes as if the foundations of the nation were becoming rotten, and Christians seem to act as if they thought God did not see what they do in politics. But I tell you, he does see it, and he will bless or curse this nation, according to the course they take." — Revival Lectures

The foundations of our country have rotted. Now it is time to call in those who are honest and upright and who will start shoring up our foundations once again. We, as a nation, must return to the true original intent of the founding fathers, and we, as Christians, must return to God and His ways.

The Church must take the right ground.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Kudos to Texas Gov. Rick Perry

This week's kudos go to Texas Gov. Rick Perry. Not only is he being very positive about his state's future, he is not willing to bow down to the stimulus racket. He turned down $555 million in stimulus.

I do have to say he did take most of the $17 billion offered. At least he drew that line somewhere.

All the money being presented to states needs to be carefully looked over, and states need to turn down money that is over the top.

Maybe the Congress will get a clue that they do not know what is best for the states and maybe they will get out of stealing rights given to the states.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

How To Increase Job Loss

With debate beginning on the card check bill, Walmart and other economically sound businesses are beginning to wonder if they are about to be the next businesses to begin an all out reversal in economic progress. As many as 600,000 jobs could be immediately lost.

What do I mean? With the federal government sticking their nose in the business of mobsters - I mean the labor unions - the government is essentially forcing businesses to allow union control. What does this do?

Well if a few people want to unionize, then they have every right but the card check forces everyone to vote openly. That means people can be forced to either give up their jobs because they do not want a union or forced by the mob (sorry, I mean union bosses) to conform to the wants of others by joining the union.

If they do not vote for a union, then they will be on "open" record - or namely, they will become targets.

What does this costs business? It means business can no longer higher people at the rates they designed for business success. The unions will force businesses to pay people more than they are worth for business purposes. That means the employer has to lay off lots of people so that a few can benefit. But wait -unions will control firing also so they will instead force the business to raise prices. Those who went to that business for cheaper products will have to pay out more just to save a few jobs.

We are not guaranteed jobs under our Constitution, but with the corrupt priorities of this new Congress, we are looking at the continual usurping of the Constitution. How? Our federal government has taken away the rights of the states, and until people get mad about this subversive action, we will continue to see our economy and government erode.

So let the card check pass, and we will continue to roll right into socialism. And if they get this much soon voices like my own will also be silenced - because you can't have negative press about socialism, can you? Beware the ides of March.

I would love it if the states would stand up - but unfortunately too many of the governors have their hands deep into the pockets of this new "stimulus". They are afraid to rock the boat.

Good job, Congress - keep sticking it to us! And Mr. President, you are just as guilty if you let it continue!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

How To Bust The Government in 9000 Different Ways

This goes out to those illustrious spend-sters in Washington - Republicans and Democrats alike.

Thanks but NO THANKS!

The Omnibus Bill passes with 9000 earmarks with just a hands up or a hands down vote - very little debate. President Obama who ran a campaign on cleaning up earmarks, now has a chance to make or break a promise - - but hold on a minute!

A new excuse emerges. This is last year's business? What? This is last year's business, so it doesn't count. What kind of school children are running our government and playing these childish games with our hard earned money? President Obama seems set to let this bill pass and challenge earmarks on the next spending bill.

Hold it one cotton pickin' minute!

This is March 11, 2009 - not 2008! This is a new Congress with a new president. This money WILL BE SPENT THIS YEAR! How is it "last year's business"? Are people that stupid that they would sit back and let this happen?

Mr Obama, I sincerely ask you to reconsider your stand and don't break your campaign promise. Assert some authority.

To add insult to injury, Representative Pelosi (you know the gallivanting Speaker who uses the Air Force as her own personal airlines) wants to pour salt into the open wounds of millions of Americans. She thinks a second cut-throat spending package is needed to "help aid the economy". I guess the "stimulus" doesn't pose enough of a threat to the free market for her likings.

Mrs. Pelosi and Mr Reid are punch-drunk on power. Of course the people "spoke" with their votes. Too bad they didn't listen first.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Penalties Better Than New Equipment

The inane absurdity that continues to pour out of Washington continues with the coming changes to health care proposed in the trillion dollar stimulus plan. Doctors are going to have to conform to the new digital filing system or face penalties. That means they have to decide whether to implement this plan into their practice or keep an employee (I'll explain in a moment).

I like my doctor a lot. When he enters the room, his notes are so precise that he reminds me of past discussions as he briefly reviews my history. He then sets to diagnosing my current symptoms, if that's why I am there, and when done with me, quickly goes to dictate his new notes. He has a great system that works for him. And if I need referrals - he quickly gets my history to the next doctor. It works!

The stimulus plan, however, wants to add a new step. My doctor along with thousands of others are going to have to spend on average $124,000 for new digital equipment and for maintenance of that equipment. That's the equivalent of two employee salaries.

According to Newsmax, doctors are weighing the difference in payments of the penalties or the overhaul of new equipment and the hundreds of hours required to update the new equipment versus paying the penalty. Some actually believe it will be more cost effective and easier to pay the $5100 a year penalty rather than fish out the new money for the equipment.

And our over-sized federal government wants "better" health care for everyone. too bad they had to get involved.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Kudos to Rep. Chris Smith, R-N.J.

I am going to highlight certain political leaders from time to time for speaking their minds and holding to their personal ethics and standing up for true moral conduct.

Today's hero is Representative Chris Smith from New Jersey. Mr. Smith came out this week and called our new President the "abortion President". I cannot agree more.

Never in our countries history have we seen such blatant moral disregard for life and the disregard for our nation's constitution than our newly elected President with his insatiable lust to allow people to destroy life without considering the repercussions. The sad part is that our Congress is becoming so morally corrupt that it turns a blind eye.

Mr Obama has called for the repealing of Mr. Bush's order to allow health care professionals (people who should have a right to decide how they will treat patients based on moral grounds) to opt out of abortion or other procedures that they may consider morally wrong. President Obama, on the other hand, thinks it is right to force people to go against their moral beliefs.

Now Mr. Obama is also calling for the use of embryonic stem cell research when there are two viable research options that could use funding and be implemented quickly. Instead, he would rather see the unborn suffer. The grounds that those who need these treatment suffer without the embryos are false! There are options we are using right now that will not reduce our nation's moral collateral.

The problem with abortions is not only the death of the innocent. How can we call for improvements in human rights when we do not afford those rights to the unborn?

So, thank you Rep. Smith for standing up for the moral grounds our nation used to hold true!

Friday, March 6, 2009

The Clock Ticks Doom and Gloom, A Short Story

Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a disgrace to any people.Proverbs 14:34 (NIV)

Doom and gloom, doom and gloom, ticked the clock tower.

The friends noticed the pilot light was out again. The last match having been used days ago. The cold seeped into their home and chilled their bones. The ash in the fire place were piling too high. Someone should clean it, yet no one agreed on how to to do it. The ash was so high that new logs could not be placed in the fire pit for burning. The pilot light on the gas stove had been their last source of good heat.

Some wanted to put the ash in a bucket and find a use for the spent coals - maybe they could sell them for more matches to light the pilot light.

Some wanted to let the coals pile up because just maybe the sight of the pile would remind them of the warmth they once had and how bad that warmth was because others had never had fire to heat their homes.

Others still wanted to clean up the dead coals and toss them out. They wanted to clean the fireplace and set a new standard that allowed room for new logs to burn. The other scoffed at it. They had grown so accustomed to the ash and soot that to change it would mean someone might take advantage and actually get warm.

The ones who wanted to put the ash in an old bucket did just that. They collected the ash and saved it for a new day. Unfortunately, the new day did not dawn, and they were left with the useless ash and with new ash piling up.

The ones who wanted to keep the ash in place were pleasantly surprised by the new build up of ash and soot. They declared that an end to the heat would come this very day if others did not hand over their matches to help light the pilot light. Unfortunately, the amount of matches had so drastically been reduced that those who tired to pay the match debt found themselves without room near the fire and increasingly became colder.

The ones who wanted to clean up the mess and create a new fresh way for all to enjoy the fire were told to sit in the back of the room. Their ideas were just too radical and would mean too much change. Besides, someone would actually have to go to work and clean the fireplace, and those in charge would have power taken from the control they maintained on the fireplace. No way.

So those who wanted to clean the fireplace and bring fresh fire just sat and watched the folly.

Author - David Grace


Of course if you want to see change in life, sometimes you have to take drastic steps to change. Sometimes you have to watch others continue to ruin things before they admit they need help.

So, don't give up on the FairTax - the Democrats are making an incredible mess. Of course, they called it change - but what's different? The same Clinton staff have return to the White House. The same Democrats are spending like crazy and calling 9000 earmarks "necessary spending". Oh yeah, there are some guilty Republicans also!

Too bad liberals hate the free markets so much. With the FairTax, we may actually start a fire that warms us all, but then who could they manipulate if government could not pull the strings on unjust taxation.

As for the verse from Proverbs, don't forget to check out the 50 Day Challenge. This is a grassroots effort to get our nation back in tune with God's leading. Leave a comment....

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Only Fools Cry Wolf

President Obama has announced the wonderful tax reduction for us who earn under $200,000 a year but failed to let us know about the proposed tax hike one fuel and energy costs that will not only takes back the reduction but also add more to our tax burden. I am so excited (sarcasm).

In my Bible study this morning, I read:
A fool finds pleasure in evil conduct, but a man of understanding delights in wisdom.Prov 10:23 (NIV)

Now before anyone says, I am calling the President evil or a fool - no I am not!

I am, however, going to enlighten you a little about how to define fool - especially for those who may be in government. According to the dictionary, fool is defined as "a person who lacks judgment or sense" and this interesting one "one who has been tricked or made to appear ridiculous; a dupe".

I also investigated the identity of a fool in a topical search using a Bible search tool (I am getting to the point, I promise). A fool denies God, makes a mockery of sin, hates knowledge, doesn't delight in knowledge, walks in darkness, trusts in themselves, depends on their wealth, and should be avoided.

So who is the fool: those who elected an overwhelming majority into the Congress and White House or those who are in those positions?

I think it is foolish to allow our government to act without holding them accountable. Foolishness resides in the thought that government spending is the only hope for humanity.

I think foolishness can be attributed to anyone who blindly follows the masses in government. For example, any political official who toes the party line when they disagree with it - fool. I like Senator Joe Lieberman, not because I agree with everything he believes in, but because he is not afraid to call out a wrong when it is wrong.

A fool is someone who blindly accepts global warming as fact when science is disproving much of what is taught by that crowd (and no - the UN "experts" were not scientists - most were politicians). Is the world warming - possibly but that doesn't automatically mean we did it.

A fool is someone who thinks it is better kill embryos for science while ignoring the existence of two other alternatives that have proven themselves to be very viable research solutions - adult stem cell research and now the newest, iPS cell research.

A fool calls for everyone to be the same regardless of their religious or moral beliefs as in the return to forcing medical professionals to perform medical acts that they disagree with - i.e. abortions.

A fool is someone who talks one way in public and another in private. They also twist words just because they want a true meaning of the word "is". Giving tax relief only to take it back in another form of taxation is foolish.

A fool is one who is hopeless and forces their ethics on everyone else because they believe they are more upright. Only God is righteous - get over it.

A fool cries out for religion (especially Christianity) to be stripped from schools and society.

A fool refuses to allow parents to decide where to send their kids to school and refuse to allow school vouchers. A good example of foolishness is floating around the state of Georgia's legislature.

A fool believes that big government is the answer to all social ills. Though government plays an important part in our society, it is not God.

Where are the wise? Our government sure could use an infusion of wisdom.

I could go on but I think you get the point. Know of any other foolish actions? Leave a comment.