Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Wrong Health Care Questions Being Asked to the President

I just watched the most docile town hall I have seen over the past few weeks. President Obama was asked overwhelmingly positive questions about the proposal. Then as a way to be diplomatic he said, "I have time for two more questions, and those two question should be from people who disagree with me."

I must say that I am very happy that the federal government is thinking about creating an insurance pool that will be similar to that of the Congress and their employees.

I am very disappointed that a public option will be on the table. He never answered who will pay for that plan. He even directed some shots at the past administration (distract and hit to keep people off guard).

The questions that so needed to be ask, however, was never asked. So I will ask it here:

Why does the federal government have to be the central clearing house for insurance?

President Obama says he wants to create large pools for competition, but why does it have to start and end with the federal government? Why not give the states the ability to create these pools? Better yet, why not give local government or private institutions this option? Why not let my church denomination open the doors to all its members so that we can create our own large pool?

Get rid of the public option and let private co-ops have a whack at it.

Then President Obama criticized the waste by medicare and the medicare prescription plan. Well if it is broke, it is a government run plan - FIX IT! Don't say you will take the savings and spend it elsewhere. Take the savings and give it back to Americans as tax breaks for those who pay for their insurance or use it as a supplement to those who live at or below the poverty level for their health care.

So, Mr. President, what say you?

I do have to say, I saw Senator Spector and part of Senator McCaskill's forum. They do not even compare to the comfortable event the President faced. I am very impressed with how well McCaskill has been handling the debate.

If we want a real debate on this issue, then I propose putting the president on stage with someone who can give an intelligent rebuttal to his rhetoric!

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