Monday, August 17, 2009

White House Blame Game

So emails sent to people from the White House are the fault of third party entities. Right, and I have a million readers on this site (not quite but who knows).

Let me ask this: Where did these "third" party groups get the idea for sending private email addresses to the White House in the first place? Could it have been the White House?

When my kids try to pass the blame, they get in more trouble. Why? They lied. I will not accept that from my kids, and I certainly will not accept that from the White House.

What does the White House have to say about these unsolicited emails? "We hope they were not too inconvenienced."

Why not say, we screwed up in asking people to squeal on their neighbor. We screwed up trying to create a bully pulpit. We screwed up for not thinking the people (nor the network news affiliates) would hold us accountable for our actions.

No. The White House thinks it is above the law (it happened with other administrations also). They think that they can push people around and that people will fall to their knees before them.

Look. I honestly believe that they believe whole-heartedly in what they are trying to do. Many in the White House really believe they are doing something great for our nation. Unfortunately, their leaders are throwing all their weight into maintaining power rather than doing what they were elected to do: represent the people, not rule over them!

Thank goodness FoxNews was brave enough to push the White House on its inconsistencies. Every other major network skipped over this. Why? They were hoping that FoxNews would go down for this exchange:

Fox is blowing its competition away in the ratings. The other networks were hoping to stay on the good side of the White House instead of pushing the White House on questionable activities. They would have spent six weeks on this if the Republicans were still in charge.

So who do you trust for your news source, those who are collaborating with liars or those who will actually report the news?

(post edit) I forgot to tell the White House how to really fix it. Simply add a confirmation email on their site. This will send an email to every email address in the process of being added to their database. This confirmation email will only activate the email if the person responds. Simple fix for a very nasty problem.

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