Thursday, August 6, 2009

Clunker Flunker

As the Senate poises to reinvest into the clunker failure, we are finding out that the majority of vehicles being purchased are Japanese vehicles and Ford.

I do not understand the desire of our government to force feed an industry that will regulate itself or fail. Car companies have come and gone for over one hundred years.

Do we know why they are doing it? Yes.


That's right. The liberal Democrats are bowing to their union bosses. They are doing everything they can to ensure that vote because they are becoming very afraid that this majority that they have is in big trouble come the next election cycle.

$2 billion dollars is a drop in the bucket for Democrats supporting this form of government waste.

What saddens me is that these clunkers are not being resold. The engines of these cars have to be destroyed or the car dealership has to pay a stiff fine.

That means charities that once used these cars to:
  • provide cheap transportation for single parents and for the poor
  • raise funds for their outreach programs
will no longer have the ability to use these cars.

Way to go Senators of the Democrat persuasion. You are single-handedly paying people to learn how to depend on the government and destroying the ability of your fellowman to show care. Great job on crushing the American spirit of benevolence!

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