Friday, August 7, 2009

The New Democratic Process

Senator Harry Reid (D-NV) has taken upon himself the opportunity to criticize people for standing up against the health care bill. He says such people, like me, are standing in the way of democracy. Yep, we are in the way because we actually have a point of contest with men and women who are supposed to represent their constituents not Washington D.C.

The White House has vowed to fight back against people who stand up for themselves and don't roll over. The new democratic process is to demand that people cannot think for themselves, thus the White House will think for them.

The White House mob bosses have taken it upon themselves to bully people into accepting despotism. Why because they seem to believe that Congress represents them!

What happen to the checks and balances? Wait, I know. The checks are being spent without care and the balance is broken.

When did our country lose sight of representative government? The White House bosses better get a clue - mobs only follow mob bosses.

They say that no one is coming up with better ideas. That's because mob bosses do not listen and do not care. It is about them and only them and their pride.

Of course, we know where pride leads:
When pride comes, then comes disgrace, but with humility comes wisdom. Proverbs 11:2 (NIV)

Pride only breeds quarrels, but wisdom is found in those who take advice. Proverbs 13:10 (NIV)

Pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall. Proverbs 16:18 (NIV)

Better Ideas and Better Plans:

Let's all agree that no one wants to see anybody suffer because they cannot get good care. No one should be penalized because they have a pre-existing condition. No one should be denied access to care. Our disagreement is in how to help people get coverage.

So from CPR here is their ideas (for those in Congress and the White House whom haven't been listening):

Choice: A patient must have the right to choose their own doctor, and must protect a consumer's right to choose the health insurance that best fits their needs and budget.

Competition: Leveling the playing field for doctors, insurers, and consumers will result in healthy competition that drives down costs and increases favorable outcomes. Providers should publicly post their prices so consumers can shop and compare. States should eliminate burdensome regulations so insurance companies can compete equally across state lines.

Accountability: Making health care services more accessible, transparent and open through standardized insurance claims forms and equal tax breaks for individuals and companies will control costs by helping consumers and businesses compare "apples to apples" across the health care spectrum.

Personal Responsibility: Placing responsibility squarely where it belongs, on the shoulders of the patient, will encourage individuals make to make healthy lifestyle choices. Infusing personal responsibility into health care reform allows us all to maintain our cherished freedom to live our lives without government intrusion.

And from the Heritage Foundation:

A Principled Path to Rational Health Care Reform
Ensuring Access to Affordable Health Insurance: A Memo to President Obama
Health Care Reform: Design Principles for a Patient-Centered, Consumer-Based Market

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