Thursday, February 28, 2008

Government Waste in San Fran

How much does it cost to pour concrete?

In San Francisco they are going to spend $100,000 per FOOT! Can you believe that taxpayers are going to have to spend $1 million for a 10 foot wheelchair ramp. Here's the story.

I am not bashing those in wheelchairs but when you read the article and see the extreme costs simple advisors are being paid out of this, you will see why government is great at waste.

The way I see it, as long as we continue giving government a blank check, the more they will waste. Multiply this little expenditure in San Fran by 1000's and you will see why we need to put a cap on spending in our federal government.

The difficulty will be in trying to convince all of the states to repeal the income tax amendment to our Constitution. This is why we need to continue our grassroots' effort in every state until we have at least 2/3's of the voters in each state signed on to the FairTax plan.

There is video on this Squidoo lens that is worth watching (Look for the Newt Gingrich video).

Monday, February 25, 2008

The Church and the FairTax

I have recently been confronted with the idea that the FairTax will cause the church to lose out on needed giving.

The researched used to back this idea up showed how those with a lot of resources (mainly money) would be more likely to give less than they currently do.

The opposite of this is that many in the church in lower and middle income brackets would actually consider giving more.

The way I see it is that those who practice giving now will probably still give later. In the church I attend there is not anyone who is a millionaire. So if millionaire's cease giving as much, it will not effect us. But if lower and middle income families give more, then this will effect us because we minister to this population.

"I want each of you to take plenty of time to think it over, and make up your own mind what you will give. That will protect you against sob stories and arm-twisting. God loves it when the giver delights in the giving." -2 Cor 9:7 (MSG)

Many have already determined what they will give and they give. Some if they were able to give more would give more. Jesus recounts the story of the woman who gave all she had. In her He was greatly impressed because she did not give out of her excesses.

If our church community is giving as much as it can without going broke, shouldn't we make it easier for them if they really want to give more.

I honestly believe the FairTax is the best alternative tax system for our nation. I also believe it goes beyond our current welfare system in assisting those who do not have a lot of resources (mainly money). You have to decide for yourself. But do not decide until you have actually read it for yourself.

Friday, February 22, 2008

The FairTax Petition

If you have not already, now is a good time to go and sign the FairTax Petition that will be sent to Congress on April 15th. What a better day to address our concerns about taxes than on the dreaded deadline day for income taxes.

If you would like to support the FairTax just click here. You will see the link to sign the petition as well as mountains of information to help you get a better idea about the FairTax.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Who Really Pays More with the FairTax?

There is a case study that has been completed by Laurence J. Kotlikoff (Professor of Economics, Boston University).

In this study he compared the taxes paid by a family in the middle income bracket. The interesting find is how much less they will pay under the FairTax compared to the current income tax system.

To read the report go here: Case Study

So who would you rather believe? A politician who has not read the FairTax bill? A newspaper reporter? Or would you tend to lean towards an economics professor?

Take time out and research the FairTax. Our economy depends on how much you know.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Monday, February 11, 2008

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Evangelicals Did What?

Supposedly the media would like to squash any credit due to the FairTax supporters. I say this because they (who get every poll wrong that they ever take) have decided to attribute Gov. Huckabee's success to the evangelical vote.

That is highly unlikely especially since the three top Republican candidates split the evangelical vote evenly! Sorry media folks, the FairTax is on the minds of voters so you might as well get used to hearing about it.

Do we need to take this election process seriously? You bet. We need strong opinions but not at the expense of one's credibility. We face a very arduous future: the economy, immigration, national defense, troop deployment, taxation, education, and numerous other problems that this nation needs to face.

The problem about this election process is that too many people are searching for the perfect candidate. There isn't one! So how should we approach it? Through prayer and research. Prayer to align yourself with the will of God. Research because not everything coming out of the news is accurate.

Do not accept everything talk show hosts and news media throw at you. You need to seek the facts yourself. You will be the better for it.

And a final note:

If you have ever wondered about how to answer critics, then just click here: Rebuttals

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Super Tuesday 2008

It's here! Get out to vote!

I know why I support Huckabee, but do you know why you support the person you will vote for?

Because of gender or race? Because of polictical background? Because they look better?

Please do not consider a condidate for those reasons. Get involved and do your research. Most politicians will tell you whatever you want to hear which is enough to get most people to vote for them. They will not tell you their true agendas.

Vote for someone you think will be honest enough to face the growing economic crisis.

Do not let anyone tell you they are going to tax corporate greed - because it doesn't exist. I will say it again, "Corporations do not pay taxes ever"! They pass it along to the consumer.

The so-called tax help that they want to give to the poor does not exist either. Poor people pay embedded taxes in every product they buy.

The FairTax is the only option that allows the poor, along with everyone else, to receive a prebate EVERY MONTH! Not the one time we will give you $600 junk coming out off Capital (yes, I meant to spell it that way) Hill. It also removes all embedded taxes and you pay one fair tax rate (23% not 30).

Educate yourself and Vote Today!

Friday, February 1, 2008

Sean Hannity Proves My Point

The point? That the media drives the election process when we allow primaries to be spread out. Either we learn to accept a person as they campaign or we allow ourselves to be moved by popular figures in the media

Sean supposedly endorsed Mitt Romney on his radio show yesterday (1/31/08). If this is true then my point is proven. Sean can vote for whomever he wants to vote for. He can endorse anyone he cares to endorse. But would his decision have been different in Rudy Guiliani had not dropped out because he was unsure of the results of Super Tuesday because people are being swayed by our confounded and convoluted primary system.

In other words, Sean can no longer vote for whom he wants to vote for, because all of the candidates do not get to sit on a level playing field.

I say stop the injustice and contact your elected officials. Of course, they pull the strings to favor themselves. So why not take the strings out of their hands and support the FairTax, and stop letting elected federal officials rely on how they manuever tax status in order to get their desires.

Supporting Huckabee is one way to get your voice heard. The sooner we take the debate for changing our tax stucture to the national level, the sooner we can have a better debate.

Mike for President!