Monday, February 9, 2009

Socialist Healthcare Causes "Irreparable" Harm, Are We Next?

Here is an article form Nadeem Esmail in the WSJ Opinion section: 'Too Old' for Hip Surgery

The Supreme Court of Canada found that Canadians suffer physically and psychologically while waiting for treatment in the public health-care system, and that the government monopoly on essential health services imposes a risk of death and irreparable harm. The Supreme Court ruled that Quebec's prohibition on private health insurance violates citizen rights as guaranteed by that province's Charter of Human Rights and Freedoms, says Esmail.

The Democrats want socialized health care why? So we can wait weeks or even months before we get seen for certain procedures? How would you like to be called too old for something?

My wife and I work hard to cover the costs we incur for medical expenses, and we pay our fair share from my past physical ailments. But we are not complaining. I am responsible for not caring for my body (though I am now taking great measures to reverse my mistakes).

The problem does exist that medical costs are high and that affordable insurance is very difficult to find. I suggested MediShare in my other blog for people looking for affordable health care assistance: Healthcare

The drawback with that plan is that is doesn't help with many pre-existent conditions. But this is still not a bad option for people needing assistance with medical needs. Even though it is not an insurance program, it does help in the long run through shared resources for care.

One the greatest things we can do for ourselves and our families is to start a health savings plan. Simply setting aside ten percent of your annual income is a great start for being prepared for medical problems. Will that cover everything? No. Will it go a long way towards covering emergencies? Yes.

Having a health savings account added to MediShare and you have more than enough to pay for any co-pay. Just think, someone earning $50,000 could have $5,000 set aside for help. Put it in a money market account or savings account and it grows. Regularly pay into it, and it grows more. Start young and by the time many health problems start emerging in most lives, you have a significant emergency plan available.

What about those with "less means"?

We can agree that as a nation with "means" we need to care for those who are poor. It is the compassion of Christ. We have Medicaid (for people needing assistance under the retirement age). Why not expand health care incentives for those in the workforce by providing vouchers or tax breaks for those who invest in some form of health insurance as the AMA plan suggests? How about having them pay an extra $10 a month for basic care insurance? How about putting money into helping store-front doctors and free-clinics to open and to operate?

I am not a master of health care information. I would just like to see us think wisely before ruining our future to socialized care that puts everyone on the back burner for real care. I want to see us avoid unnecessary deaths which socialized health care as proposed by the Democrats will cause. I want to see us avoid going into more debt because our government will mismanage our health care and run up health care costs in a slipshod fashion.

Of course all of this will be a mute point once the stimulus package passes carelessly through Congress - we'll be too broke and too bankrupt to pay for anything.

1 comment:

Ken Spitze said...

I have begun to examine the pros and cons of the FairTax proposal. I would welcome comments from both sides of the debate. Thanks!
Ken Spitze