Tuesday, February 10, 2009

The Trance of Socialism

If you listened too closely to President Obama's press conference, then you may have been in danger of hearing the faint yet hypnotic call of socialism coming from his words. I was blessed to have two children who needed to be put to bed at that time so I caught bits and pieces. I think this aided by immunizing me from some of the words.

Most of what I heard was, "Blah..blah...Government....Government...blah...blah....Government really good, individuals can't do things without it ....blah...blah....blah.... Government..... blah....blah...baseball....blah.... Government good, individualism dangerous....blah...blah....." and so on and so on.

I could not believe my ears. Here was the President of the United States and he was championing government intervention as if the American public did not have answers and were totally helpless peons.

I heard that we had to spend money now because this was the only hope for America. I heard how pitiful the situation was and how the dangers of not acting immediately (with a cool head) would plunge us into the dark ages - NEVER TO RECOVER!

Where is the hope? Where is the responsibility? What would have happened if we had a President who came out and told us the truth and poured on a little medicine - "Get your house straight and then we will talk business!"

The problem will never be solved by socialist ideals! Our problem comes from believing that debt living is the only way to live. Our problem comes from a government that would rather spend money unfettered and without consequence instead of balancing its own budget and putting away its own emergency fund and paying off its own debt.

Who do they put it on? Us! Rightly so, I should add. We continue to put the same irresponsible political figures back into office, and now they respond in an emergency, not with a plan to get us all out of debt and recover hope, but the only way they know how - throw money at it and see if it will leave us alone.

I am angry and upset. Maybe that is why this tirade is is emerging. Thank God for cooler heads like Next Gingrich. Listen, there is still hope but we have to continue to put pressure on the legislature (you know the group that is supposed to be in charge of spending) and demand a real recovery package!

Here is a new solution being sent out by American Solutions:
  1. Payroll Tax Stimulus. With a temporary new tax credit to offset 50% of the payroll tax, every small business would have more money, and all Americans would take home more of what they earn.

  2. Real Middle-Income Tax Relief. Reduce the marginal tax rate of 25% down to 15%, in effect establishing a flat-rate tax of 15% for close to 9 out of 10 American workers.

  3. Reduce the Business Tax Rate. Match Ireland’s rate of 12.5% to keep more jobs in America.

  4. Homeowner’s Assistance. Provide tax credit incentives to responsible home buyers so they can keep their homes.

  5. Controlling Spending So We Can Move to a Balanced Budget. This begins with eliminating Congressional earmarks and wasteful pork-barrel spending.

  6. No State Aid Without Protection From Fraud. Require state governments to adopt anti-fraud and anti-theft policies before giving them more money.

  7. More American Energy Now. Explore for more American oil and gas and invest in affordable energy for the future, including clean coal, ethanol, nuclear power and renewable fuels.

  8. Abolish Taxes on Capital Gains. Match China, Singapore and many other competitors. More investment in America means more jobs in America.

  9. Protect Our Right to Vote in the Workplace. We must protect a worker’s right to decide by secret ballot whether to join a union.

  10. Replace Sarbanes-Oxley. This failed law is crippling entrepreneurial startups. Replace it with affordable rules that help create jobs, not destroy them.

  11. Abolish the Death Tax. Americans should work for their families, not for Washington.

  12. Invest in Energy and Transportation Infrastructure. This includes a new, expanded electric power grid and a 21st century air traffic control system that will reduce delays in air travel and save passengers, employees and airlines billions of dollars per year.

Go to American Solutions and sign on to this plan: American Solutions

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