Saturday, February 7, 2009

Democrats Ready To Embrace Anti-Christian Stimulus Clauses

As seen in two articles online (Article 1 - Article 2), I have found that the Democrats have buried in the bogus "stimulus" plan clauses that hamper and seek to remove Christian groups from having any access to public sites that receive federal funding.

I thought this was a "spending bill", not a bill to attack the Bill of Rights!

The Democrats in Congress are betting that we will not read this legislation and that the ground swell will be too little too late. They may be right.

I have been opposed to this and the previous bill from the beginning. All we are doing is stimulating debt instead of dealing with the problems and seizing the opportunity to enact governance that will benefit the future instead of just patching the present.

Senator Kerry responded to another today that we are in a recession now and 10 years from now doesn't really matter. His response was to a comment on how a Congressional oversight committee found that this stimulus package will cause another recession ten years from now.

Plug and patch. Real leaders do not plug and patch. The Democrats are passing this off on the future when their "reigns" in office will not be affected.

All of this is like flushing money down the toilet.

They are plugging up the holes with newspaper hoping the water will stop seeping through. There are bigger needs that need to be addressed and all they are concerned with is how posterity sees them.

The Do Anything Congress

This do anything approach will harm our nation in the long run.
  • We are passing down debt to the future
  • We are pushing off Social Security and Medicare reform - with the passage of this bill we will no longer have the means necessary to fix these problems because we will be spending all our money correcting this mistake
  • We are sending education down the tubes because the root of this problem began when people stopped learning how to effectively manage money (instead we teach how to let money manage them - debt spending to their rescue)
  • We are trying to save a broken tax system which even the highest of PHD's have a difficult time agreeing upon its interpretation
  • We are pushing religion out of the picture because it holds people to account and many democrats hate accountability
  • We are telling the uninsured that they don't matter because we continue to enact legislation that doesn't help them get good health care, only very marginal care
  • We are still sending billions of dollars overseas to pay for oil because we are so in love with an unbelievable climate spiel that doesn't add up. Should we protect the environment? Yes - sensibly.
The love of money is the root of all evil. $1 Trillion dollars is more than enough to purchase Walmart, Microsoft, and numerous other mega-corporations. "Throw money and hope it gets to where its needed", says the President!

Oh yeah, and don't forget to continue to throw junk legislation in the stimulus bill that absolutely has nothing to do with spending or economic aid, and don't forget to rid the world of those evil accountability seeking Christians.

Do You Want To Act?

Here is what you can do: Call the Congressional phone lines and keep them tied up with your demands to stop this bill. We need good, honest legislation, not this deceptive piece of trash making it way through the Senate (see here: A Viable Alternative For Economic Stimulus). Act now and make a difference.

This site,, will help you find a list of everyone who represents you on the federal and local levels.

Have fun, and have a great weekend!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Please sign petition opposing stimulus. Sen. DeMint will take these petitions to the senate floor. He is standing up for people of faith. Show your support.