Friday, February 6, 2009

The Sky is Falling, The Sky is Falling On President Obama

President Obama addressed the House Democrats yesterday, and said if we don't pass the stimulus plan by mid-February, America will go down in flames. "Hurry, hurry, rush, rush! We are going to be crushed."

I can't believe that a president who is supposed to portray confidence and hope is now portraying confusion and doom!

Are we not a great country that has won its own independence, crafted a rule of law by the people, overcome a Civil War, helped defeat tyranny in two World Wars, battled through a great depression, overcome the throws of communism, and is standing strong against terrorism?

What changed? Where is the leadership that stands up in such a time and rallies the people and provides vision?

A true leader should be doing at least three things:
  1. Providing Purpose - We need to understand the desired outcome. We need to know what the stimulus plan will actually do and why it should be done this way
  2. Providing Direction - What are the goals? How can we accomplish those goals? How can the people get involved (it's not all about the government)? We need to take responsibility and pay off debt and begin saving and learn how to work a second job if necessary. Answer the who, what, when, where, why, how! Besides, the people paying off debt, the government needs to LEAD THE WAY AND PAY OFF ITS OWN DEBT! Be an example and lead!
  3. Providing Motivation - Motivation is the cause of action. Where is the confidence? If our government isn't confident - why would we be? I believe we could get behind a leader who is prepared to hold "bailout" hopefuls to the fire - Get it right or strike out! Also, a leader who is prepared to set limits to spending
Napoleon Bonaparte once said, "War is waged only with vigor, decision, and unshaken will: one must not grope or hesitate."

True leaders get people to go against their nature. People need to feel comfort, and a leader has to provide that comfort through sacrifice and hard work. Our leaders cannot afford to grope their way through this economic problem. They need a real plan and need to stop throwing out numbers.

So ask yourself, who is providing the purpose, direction, and motivation for our future? My help comes from the Lord, because there is only so much man can do. Take responsibility for your actions and together we each will make a difference amongst those around us.

Be a difference maker. Be a leader!

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