Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Obama Thinks America Invented What?

My thoughts on the President's speech plus a few from a Fox fact check:

Is the federal government the only capable governing body for helping our citizenry? What happened to the states? Are we fueling a desire for more socialistic tendencies? If the public was not taxed so much by the federal government, maybe the states could use the tax revenue to work for their own people.

Of course now we see why the income tax is a bad tax - when jobs go down, income tax collection goes down, which means less revenue for the federal government. Of course, they do not seem to notice, so they continue to spend us into debt.

Balanced budgets mean cutting back when you do not have the funds. By the way, we may have a several billion dollar deficit but we also have an $11 Trillion Debt (I guess saying we have a Billion dollar deficit sounds nicer - but it's also underhanded).

So the United States and not Mr. Benz in Germany invented the automobile. Shows how bad our government run schools have become. Kind of like Mr. "The Sky Is Falling" Gore inventing the internet?

Why do presidents insist on conjuring up 10 year plans? the last time I checked, the President Obama was elected for only one term that consists of 4 years. If he is elected for a second term, then he will serve a total of 8 years.

Do we really import more oil now than ever before? Or has it actually dropped in the last few years?

Didn't President Clinton also push for banking de-regulation? And isn't Mr. Rubin, who spearheaded, the legislation for Pres. Clinton now also working for President Obama?

Why does President Obama continue to insist on the creation of 3.5 million jobs? Is he psychic or does he know something that we don't?

For more look here: FoxFactCheck

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