Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Penalties Better Than New Equipment

The inane absurdity that continues to pour out of Washington continues with the coming changes to health care proposed in the trillion dollar stimulus plan. Doctors are going to have to conform to the new digital filing system or face penalties. That means they have to decide whether to implement this plan into their practice or keep an employee (I'll explain in a moment).

I like my doctor a lot. When he enters the room, his notes are so precise that he reminds me of past discussions as he briefly reviews my history. He then sets to diagnosing my current symptoms, if that's why I am there, and when done with me, quickly goes to dictate his new notes. He has a great system that works for him. And if I need referrals - he quickly gets my history to the next doctor. It works!

The stimulus plan, however, wants to add a new step. My doctor along with thousands of others are going to have to spend on average $124,000 for new digital equipment and for maintenance of that equipment. That's the equivalent of two employee salaries.

According to Newsmax, doctors are weighing the difference in payments of the penalties or the overhaul of new equipment and the hundreds of hours required to update the new equipment versus paying the penalty. Some actually believe it will be more cost effective and easier to pay the $5100 a year penalty rather than fish out the new money for the equipment.

And our over-sized federal government wants "better" health care for everyone. too bad they had to get involved.

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