Wednesday, March 11, 2009

How To Bust The Government in 9000 Different Ways

This goes out to those illustrious spend-sters in Washington - Republicans and Democrats alike.

Thanks but NO THANKS!

The Omnibus Bill passes with 9000 earmarks with just a hands up or a hands down vote - very little debate. President Obama who ran a campaign on cleaning up earmarks, now has a chance to make or break a promise - - but hold on a minute!

A new excuse emerges. This is last year's business? What? This is last year's business, so it doesn't count. What kind of school children are running our government and playing these childish games with our hard earned money? President Obama seems set to let this bill pass and challenge earmarks on the next spending bill.

Hold it one cotton pickin' minute!

This is March 11, 2009 - not 2008! This is a new Congress with a new president. This money WILL BE SPENT THIS YEAR! How is it "last year's business"? Are people that stupid that they would sit back and let this happen?

Mr Obama, I sincerely ask you to reconsider your stand and don't break your campaign promise. Assert some authority.

To add insult to injury, Representative Pelosi (you know the gallivanting Speaker who uses the Air Force as her own personal airlines) wants to pour salt into the open wounds of millions of Americans. She thinks a second cut-throat spending package is needed to "help aid the economy". I guess the "stimulus" doesn't pose enough of a threat to the free market for her likings.

Mrs. Pelosi and Mr Reid are punch-drunk on power. Of course the people "spoke" with their votes. Too bad they didn't listen first.

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