In my Bible study this morning, I read:
A fool finds pleasure in evil conduct, but a man of understanding delights in wisdom.Prov 10:23 (NIV)
Now before anyone says, I am calling the President evil or a fool - no I am not!
I am, however, going to enlighten you a little about how to define fool - especially for those who may be in government. According to the dictionary, fool is defined as "a person who lacks judgment or sense" and this interesting one "one who has been tricked or made to appear ridiculous; a dupe".
I also investigated the identity of a fool in a topical search using a Bible search tool (I am getting to the point, I promise). A fool denies God, makes a mockery of sin, hates knowledge, doesn't delight in knowledge, walks in darkness, trusts in themselves, depends on their wealth, and should be avoided.
So who is the fool: those who elected an overwhelming majority into the Congress and White House or those who are in those positions?
I think it is foolish to allow our government to act without holding them accountable. Foolishness resides in the thought that government spending is the only hope for humanity.
I think foolishness can be attributed to anyone who blindly follows the masses in government. For example, any political official who toes the party line when they disagree with it - fool. I like Senator Joe Lieberman, not because I agree with everything he believes in, but because he is not afraid to call out a wrong when it is wrong.
A fool is someone who blindly accepts global warming as fact when science is disproving much of what is taught by that crowd (and no - the UN "experts" were not scientists - most were politicians). Is the world warming - possibly but that doesn't automatically mean we did it.
A fool is someone who thinks it is better kill embryos for science while ignoring the existence of two other alternatives that have proven themselves to be very viable research solutions - adult stem cell research and now the newest, iPS cell research.
A fool calls for everyone to be the same regardless of their religious or moral beliefs as in the return to forcing medical professionals to perform medical acts that they disagree with - i.e. abortions.
A fool is someone who talks one way in public and another in private. They also twist words just because they want a true meaning of the word "is". Giving tax relief only to take it back in another form of taxation is foolish.
A fool is one who is hopeless and forces their ethics on everyone else because they believe they are more upright. Only God is righteous - get over it.
A fool cries out for religion (especially Christianity) to be stripped from schools and society.
A fool refuses to allow parents to decide where to send their kids to school and refuse to allow school vouchers. A good example of foolishness is floating around the state of Georgia's legislature.
A fool believes that big government is the answer to all social ills. Though government plays an important part in our society, it is not God.
Where are the wise? Our government sure could use an infusion of wisdom.
I could go on but I think you get the point. Know of any other foolish actions? Leave a comment.
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