Saturday, March 7, 2009

Kudos to Rep. Chris Smith, R-N.J.

I am going to highlight certain political leaders from time to time for speaking their minds and holding to their personal ethics and standing up for true moral conduct.

Today's hero is Representative Chris Smith from New Jersey. Mr. Smith came out this week and called our new President the "abortion President". I cannot agree more.

Never in our countries history have we seen such blatant moral disregard for life and the disregard for our nation's constitution than our newly elected President with his insatiable lust to allow people to destroy life without considering the repercussions. The sad part is that our Congress is becoming so morally corrupt that it turns a blind eye.

Mr Obama has called for the repealing of Mr. Bush's order to allow health care professionals (people who should have a right to decide how they will treat patients based on moral grounds) to opt out of abortion or other procedures that they may consider morally wrong. President Obama, on the other hand, thinks it is right to force people to go against their moral beliefs.

Now Mr. Obama is also calling for the use of embryonic stem cell research when there are two viable research options that could use funding and be implemented quickly. Instead, he would rather see the unborn suffer. The grounds that those who need these treatment suffer without the embryos are false! There are options we are using right now that will not reduce our nation's moral collateral.

The problem with abortions is not only the death of the innocent. How can we call for improvements in human rights when we do not afford those rights to the unborn?

So, thank you Rep. Smith for standing up for the moral grounds our nation used to hold true!

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