Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Mr. McCain Needs to Support The FairTax

Yesterday the DOW had an 800 point drop before recovering. That is pretty significant.

Just think, the government came to the rescue with an $800 Billion rescue plan that hasn't taken place yet nor will it for several months. Then Congress called it quits and went home so fast that the effect left a vacuum in Washington with peoples' ears still popping from the void left behind.

Now Sec. Paulsen is left with hiring former buddies to begin the long drawn out process to help correct the mess made by people who were greedy and others who just could not keep their hands to themselves.

Yesterday's drop proved that government help takes too long, but should we be surprised? Look how long it takes our government to get its act together (unless it is an election year and they only have less than a month to go home and reclaim their seats).

In fact I watched a report this weekend produced by FOXNews which vetted out the causes of the economic downturn. One of the facts I found interesting was that economists are revisiting the history of the Great Depression and many have come to the conclusion that government actions actually caused the Depression to last far beyond what it should have lasted.

As soon as I can find the video online, I will post it.

But my point is that when government gets overly involved, the economy becomes more constrictive. We need a better plan to loosen the economy not restricting it.

This is why Mr. McCain needs to become more radical and support the FairTax. Here is what Neal Boortz had to say today:

I got an email from my publisher yesterday asking if I had been giving the two FairTax books a big push. It seems that sales of The FairTax Book and FairTax, the Truth have been spiking. Well .. it wasn't me, so I guess something else is going on out there.

That call and the spike in sales of the FairTax books does give me the opportunity to remind you that there is no better job creation took out there right new than the FairTax. With implementation of the FairTax several things happen:

  1. Business begin operating in the U.S. with no tax component on capitol or labor. This means that businesses who have been sending their jobs overseas will immediately start bringing them back home. Those jobs left to find a more favorable tax climate. What more favorable tax climate could there be than a no-tax climate?
  2. Foreign government start screaming bloody murder because their corporations start shipping their jobs here to the U.S. Again, the no-tax climate would be the draw.
  3. Trillions of dollars that Americans have sent overseas to work in lower tax countries start coming home as well. These dollars will fuel the greatest explosion in the American economy – and that means more jobs – in history.
  4. You have to hide under you bed to avoid employment.

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