Monday, September 15, 2008

He Said, She Said, They Said, So I Say

Lehman Brothers has filed for bankruptcy, and did so on a good day. It has given everyone time to swallow the futures. Bank of America continues to grow with the announcement of their buying out Merrill Lynch. Gas falls due to demand. Russia is still defiant. North Korea is ruled by who? Venezuela is thumbing its nose. Did I miss anything?

All the while our candidates for the presidency are lost. I mean really lost. The Democrats are so lost that they have forgotten who their opponent is. The Republicans have become so lost that they are missing opportunity after opportunity to stay on topic.

He said this. She said that. They did this, so we will do that. Everyone says we will avoid typical politics but that has already been proven untrue.

The Democrats are so far off topic that they attacked John McCain's inability to email. Why can't he use email? It couldn't be that his injuries suffered in Hanoi causes extreme pain when he attempts to use a keyboard could it? Stupid politics calling for uncalled cheap shots at Mr. McCain's disabilities.

Gov. Palin is in the headlights. Charlie Gibson and his pro-democrat editors proved that with their negative use of Gibson's interview (I so impressed with their ability to stay objective!). See the differences in Gibson's interview with Obama and Palin here.

And the Republicans: Some of their ads are not exactly truthful. I have been very disappointed with the Republican ads. They are missing too many opportunities to keep their arguments before the people. They even admit to taking a new hard lined approach to this campaign.

To be honest, both campaigns have become boring. Our national history is plagued with negative campaigning. But there are differences.

In the past politicians made a person look bad for certain policies they supported. Today, politicians attack because of what clothing someone wears or how one's nose looks. Politics have moved from attacking policies to personal attacks.

He said. She said. They said. Boring. Give me the old days. Let's get back to economics, taxes (Go FairTax), terrorism, education, and the such. Maybe then people will start paying real attention.

What this adds up to, then, is this: no more lies, no more pretense. Tell your neighbor the truth. In Christ's body we're all connected to each other, after all. When you lie to others, you end up lying to yourself. Ephesians 4:25 (MSG)

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