Tuesday, August 19, 2008

The Saddleback Forum

Now that the forum is over, Senator Obama's supporters are coming out in force to decry the whole thing saying the Senator McCain had a chance to hear the questions. This being blatantly untrue underscores the fact that Senator Obama did get a heads up on one question. Oh well, you can't please everyone.

One of the questions they were asked dealt with evil.

In my Bible reading today, I caught a glimpse of the roots of evil in Psalm 36.

"Sin whispers to the wicked, deep within their hearts. They have no fear of God to restrain them. In their blind conceit, they cannot see how wicked they really are." Psalm 36:1-2 (NLT)

Why is God important to our nation and its structure? Why should we still embrace our Judeo-Christian heritage? Why should we allow God in schools?

Without a fear of God there is not anything to restrain us. Without a fear of God there is not anything to restrain evil! Think about suicide bombers. Their acts of terror are unrestrained because the fear of God is not within them, just the fear of human reprisal.

Life with God is the only power man has over sin. When we compare that to how the so-called educational leaders seem to shun anything that has to do with God, we can easily see the lack of fear that keeps them blinded. Their actions are so stemmed with the hatred of anything nominally religious that they cannot see the disastrous affects of removing God from our society (not that we can).

Again I repeat myself about the importance of this issue of God in America. As a nation, we cannot afford to become religion free. It is what drives our consciousness. It is what gives us vitality and life.

Unfortunately, too many people have started believing that the Constitution is a living work that matures and changes with time. How untrue that is. The real truth is revealed in the motives of those who wish to misinterpret this time honored document.

Psalm 36 says further that such people (wicked ones) "lie awake at night, hatching sinful plots. Their course of action is never good. They make no attempt to turn from evil."

People who are driven to rid America of religion are blinded to their own actions. The lack of fear of God reduces their arguments to "I am right therefore there can no longer be any argument." They are willing to use the court system to destroy what the majority holds to be true. they are so adamant about their beliefs that they refuse to see the Divine role of God in the defining of evil.

We have lost the thought that our nation is not a democracy but a republic. We work in light of majorities while listening with respect to minorities. If we cannot reclaim that thought process, we will see our nation torn apart by those who do are blind to evil.

Evil wants only one thing, to eradicate the good. Hopefully our candidates will take that as a very serious question and stand up for our freedom of religion and God's role in politics.

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