Thursday, August 28, 2008

The Congress Does What?

President Bush has a 30% approval rating. That is definitely a failing grade, but I am not here to break that down. I want to show another number that does not get enough press - the approval rating of the Democratically led Congress. It is only 17%!

That means that 8 out of every 10 people disapprove of the Nancy Pelosi legislature. If people really want change, shouldn't that change take place in Congress? Is leaving the current crew of 435 in office a smart idea? Will their approval grow just because they are given another two or more years?

Real change will not come from the money-hungry, power-centered leaders of Congress. Congress needs to change. We need leaders in Congress who can cut spending, stop taking holidays when the U.S. needs them, and can come to terms on changing our tax system.
  • As long as our government over-spends and refuses to cut spending and then prints more money, our dollar and buying power will decrease. Our economy will continue to suffer (no matter how many times a president says it is strong).
  • As long as our economy is suffering. we will have difficult times when oil prices increase. As Kiyosaki so keenly says, "As oil prices go up, wealth goes down." Start with drill here and drill now, add Picken's plan to the mix, and start making changes.
  • As long as our tax system is as convoluted as it is, corporations will continue to move out of country taking valuable jobs with them.
If you want to make a real difference this election period, vote for Congressional change.

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