Friday, August 1, 2008

Reversing the Greatest Threat Against America

"Our "island" or "lone ranger" mentality is beginning to change. Our Justices...are becoming more open to comparative and international law perspectives." - Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg, 2003

The more examples I read from Justice Ginsberg's decisions the more I believe she should be impeached from the bench. Time after time she uses international law and opinion to overrule the majority hopes and law of our nation. Ginsberg and other liberal judges are now seeking the advice of the United Nations - the most corrupt and unethical organization in the world, as a means of justifying their opinions. These Justices have fallen into the truth that absolute power corrupts absolutely.

The threat against religion was started by radical views from Supreme Court Justices who no longer use our Constitution or the popular majority of Americans as a means of rendering decisions. A frightening trend was started back in 1947 with a man who pulled the new "religious litmus test" out of thin air by misquoting Thomas Jefferson.

Justice Hugo Black's uneducated and improper undermining of the establishment clause has become the slogan for those who would rid America of its Judeo-Christian heritage. Here is proof: Show me anywhere in the United States Declaration of Independence or the U.S. Constitution the phrase - "separation of church and state." You can't because it does not exist. It is a misquote from a letter that the then President Jefferson sent to a concerned baptist contingent that was afraid one form of Christianity may dominate the freedom of the others.

It was never intended to separate Christ from government! The establishment clause means one thing and one thing only: the government cannot set up a church nor limit the work of the church.

Judge Black is the first among many since that time to begin to twist our laws and Constitution to fit their desires or to fit into their pseudo-Utopian ideal about melting into the international arms of brotherhood. This thought process has only been around for the last 65 years of over 230 years of American history.

If our Founding Father's had intended anything different, why did they work so hard in trying to prevent this very mess from happening. Thomas Jefferson, two days after writing that letter, went to church. Do you know where? He attended church in the United States Capitol where church services were held until just after the Civil War!

Jefferson also wrote the first plan of education for the city of Washington which included using the Bible and a hymnal as the primary books to teach reading to students. He also suggested paying a Catholic missionary to reach out to the Indian tribes in order to bring Christ to them and pay those missionaries from public funds!

It was our Founding Fathers that established the chaplaincy corp and paid them to travel with our troops. How in the world can anyone who reads history see our Founding Fathers as ever wishing to separate God from governing?

If we are to reverse these trends
  • We need to re-educate our students with the truth about our Christian heritage. We cannot hide from it because it is our history.
  • We need to pass a law the restricts the Supreme Court to using only our laws and our Constitution as the only means for interpreting our laws.
  • We should impeach judges who continually abuse their positions and who are continuously overturned (bye-bye Ninth Circuit).
  • We should abolish our current federal judicial system under the rules of the Constitution and redesign it to work properly under our laws.
  • We should ask Congress to pass a law insisting, as Newt Gingrich suggests, "on the centrality of "our Creator" in defining American rights, the legitimacy of appeals of God "in public places," and the absolute rejection of judicial supremacy as a violation of the Constitution's balance of powers."
  • We should become very, very, very active in contacting our Congressmen and the President any time the courts over step their boundaries.
Seem extreme? Well, those who are supporting opposing views are that active and they continually win support and victories as we sit on our hands and pray for God's intervention.

Have we forgotten that God has given us a mouth? Did not God have this same discussion with Moses? If we do not act and act now, our freedom will be gone. Do not wait until it is too late, we are already on a slippery slope and a fully controlled Congress and Presidency by the Democrats will have diverse affects that may take too many years to reconcile.

If anything, start praying about how God would want you to be involved and start acting. You are the link to change. Remember, we can do all things through Jesus Christ who is our strength!

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