Thursday, January 31, 2008

Super Tuesday Approaches and Winners Are Declared

What has happened to our election process? Seriously, why do some states get to hold early primaries and others get penalized for trying to level the playing field?

Why should any two or three states get the right to determine who gets to represent a party at their respective conventions? I do not see this as how our forefathers would have set it up.

Why not let everyone get one shot. Every state holds their primaries on the same day, no "ifs, ands, or buts". This way the media cannot drive the vote. As the voting goes along today, the media overplays and overevaluates the "current voting trend" until people get an entirely mixed message and the media gets their star pupils.

I think this is a pitiful process and makes our Republic look as if it is controlled by a bunch of baboons (who in the wild probably have a better election system than we do).

Since I am on the subject, why do we have winner takes all states? Florida delegates are given on a majority rules basis. Where is the representation in that? We are not a democracy were the majority rules. We are a republic which governs by established laws.

The same goes for the electoral college. Each electoral vote should count on its own, not winner takes all. If we want to get beyond our "red states and blue states", then why not put an end to winner takes all. We would have a lot less problems. For example, if Georgia is to elect 13 delegates, then each delegate should represent its constituents (even if its 5 for one and 8 for the other - let them have their vote). This is a more representative form of government and closer to what our founding fathers had in mind.

I also believe this could help other parties to have a better chance at becoming voices in the process of governing.

That's my opinion and I am sticking with it.

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