Monday, January 28, 2008

Katrina Victims Lose Housing Money

The State of Mississippi decided $600 million dollars, earmarked for new housing for Katrina victims, would be better spent on drug infested casinos and new crime bosses. The federal government agreed.

Fiscal responsibility is not a real word in the Republican or Democratic parties. They fail us more everyday as we allow them to maintain too much control over spending. And we want to keep our current tax code why?

Isn't wasteful and unnecessary spending enough to anger Americans? Isn't being afraid of our government enough to motivate us to demand change?

Unrepresented taxation is what angered our forefathers. They say we have representatives now, but do they really represent us or are they enjoying the power too much. What would happen if we could take away the single most powerful tool of every politician?

That tool is our unfair tax system which they use to manipulate people. Just look at the false promises being aired by many of the current presidential hopefuls. "I'll tax the rich more!" " I'll tax the rich and then tax the corporations more!" "I'll cut taxes and make some permanent tax cuts!"

All lies especially about taxing the corporations. Why? Corporations do not pay taxes! They pass taxes along to the consumers. If the Democratic candidates have their way they will single handily crush our economy further by forcing higher prices on us. Why? Corporations will not let their money fall short due to taxes. They will raise prices.

Why? They have to answer to investors. People invest money in corporations because they hope to make money. If a corporation losses money, the people begin looking elsewhere to invest. Do you know what kind of people invest in corporations? Teacher retirement plans, firefighters, police officers, and countless others who hope that what little they are able to invest will not be penalized nor stolen by wrongful taxation!

The government doesn't care about who pays the taxes. They only care about who keeps them in power. And you help them if you let them continue holding us hostage with our current tax system.

We need a change and the only place to make that change known is at the polling station. Vote for a better America. Let's abolish the IRS and the income tax. Let's install the FairTax.

You have the power, and we all can make a difference if we each decide to vote for a better way. We have to do it together, or the poor will still be poor and the government will still be diverting money into the pockets of criminals.

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