Friday, February 1, 2008

Sean Hannity Proves My Point

The point? That the media drives the election process when we allow primaries to be spread out. Either we learn to accept a person as they campaign or we allow ourselves to be moved by popular figures in the media

Sean supposedly endorsed Mitt Romney on his radio show yesterday (1/31/08). If this is true then my point is proven. Sean can vote for whomever he wants to vote for. He can endorse anyone he cares to endorse. But would his decision have been different in Rudy Guiliani had not dropped out because he was unsure of the results of Super Tuesday because people are being swayed by our confounded and convoluted primary system.

In other words, Sean can no longer vote for whom he wants to vote for, because all of the candidates do not get to sit on a level playing field.

I say stop the injustice and contact your elected officials. Of course, they pull the strings to favor themselves. So why not take the strings out of their hands and support the FairTax, and stop letting elected federal officials rely on how they manuever tax status in order to get their desires.

Supporting Huckabee is one way to get your voice heard. The sooner we take the debate for changing our tax stucture to the national level, the sooner we can have a better debate.

Mike for President!

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