Thursday, April 23, 2009

Kathleen Sebelius Is Too Controversial For Position

I am a right to life person. I don't agree with those who believe it is a right to get an abortion. But I also believe that the federal government does not have any jurisdiction over abortion. I believe this is one of those state by state areas. Each state should have the right to decide for or against abortion.

I wholeheartedly believe the United States Supreme Court overstepped its bounds when dealing with this subject. The Roe v. Wade decision is just another example of the Supreme Court making laws instead qualifying them in light of the Consitution.

Kathleen Sebelius has demonstrated that she is heavy into lobby support and has readily accepted funding from abortion doctors in her run for governor. She has already shown that as the abortion money comes in she votes in support the money (see the video below for more information). Her integrity has also been questioned for tax issues (another one of President Obama's tax flunkies).

So I pose the question, can we trust her in a cabinet position? To say no to Sebelius watch this video and go here: No to Sebelius

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