Monday, April 12, 2010

Tax Day Protest Rally!

The Historic FairTax Sponsored Tax Day Protest Rally!
The biggest Tax Revolt event in American history,
The most important since the Boston Tea Party
Thursday, April 15th
11 am – 1 pm
Pennsylvania Ave. between 13th & 14th Streets
Washington, D.C.
Master of Ceremonies:
Ken HoaglandFairTax National Victory Campaign Chairman
Chairman, Online Tax Revolt

Featured Speaker Radio Hall of Fame Talk Host Neal Boortz

Also Featuring:
Freedom Works Chairman Dick Armey U.S. Senator Saxby Chambliss
Tea Party Express Leader Amy Kremer  Congressman Steve King
Americans for Tax Reform, President, Grover Norquist 

Come and Help Take Our Nation Back!
It is historic, it is on this Tax Day, Thursday, April 15th, and it starts with the Online Tax Revolt Rally on Pennsylvania Avenue at 14th Street between the White House and the Capitol next to the I.R.S. Building from 11:00 am - 1:00 pm.
The second major event of the day is the Freedom Works Tea Party Rally at the Washington Monument from 6:00 - 9:00 pm.
Ken Hoagland and Neal Boortz will also appear at the Freedom Works Evening Rally with the Featured Speaker Dick Armey
Come Join Fellow Patriotic Americans
Take Our Nation Back

There is no cost for this event.
For more information please go to
If you cannot make it in person, you can still be there and support the cause!
It is not too late!

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