Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Congratulations Mr. Obama

So, the voice of America has chosen Senator Obama as the 44th President of the United States. Congratulations.

The next four years should be very interesting. I think President-elect Obama has shown he is a capable politician. In fact, I told my dad four years ago after hearing him speak at the Democrat Convention of 2004, that he would be our next president (I hate it when I am this right). I believe he has the potential of becoming a good president. Yet, by electing Mr. Obama and putting a super majority in the House and Senate, we may have to look forward to the following:
  • An economy slowing to a crawl due to higher taxes (higher taxes are to blame for the progression of the Great Depression). When Samuel told the Israelites about the dangers of a king, he said, "He'll tax your harvests and vintage to support his extensive bureaucracy." 1 Sam 8:15 (MSG) I am not calling Mr. Obama a king - just making you aware of the dangers of a growing federal government
  • A new form of welfare with money being given out like candy to those who should be earning a living - we will be rewarding laziness (socialized redistribution of wealth here we come). Maybe we should do a better job showing them how to pull their own weight?
"Our orders—backed up by the Master, Jesus—are to refuse to have anything to do with those among you who are lazy and refuse to work the way we taught you. Don't permit them to freeload on the rest. We showed you how to pull your weight when we were with you, so get on with it." 2 Thessalonians 3:6-7 (MSG)
  • A return of the fairness doctrine - this is very dangerous because the government will tell us what it wants us to hear not allow us to have the freedom to choose - ever read 1984?
  • Secret ballots for union elections are as good as gone - goodbye privacy. I feel very sorry for those who will be in unions. They will be bullied forever more because of the Democrats lust for power (and they say absolute power doesn't corrupt? Just wait!)
  • Say goodbye to school choice and vouchers and to the freedom to raise your children by placing them in a school that you choose. The democrats are ready to indoctrinate the masses (again read 1984). I also fear for homeschooling
  • Oh, don't forget universal health care. Of all proposals this one has the masses of the United States blinded. Now the government will not only dictate what you hear but also whether or not you will get seen by a doctor. Just look to the messes in Canada and France and other socialized medical care
  • Churches will get slammed with new lawsuits once the federal government starts fooling with the "hate laws".
Did I miss anything? Probably. Is all the news so dire? Not really - Jesus is coming soon.

Do I agree with the Democrats on anything? Sure. In fact, I think these three areas would benefit us all:
  • I believe we need to work out some way in providing better health care answers for those in our country who cannot afford it. We are a wealthy and strong nation. There is not any reason we cannot do this - but we should do it without the interference of the federal government. Look at the AMA proposal.
  • I believe we need a more fair and better tax system. A system that will abolish the 16th Amendment and the IRS - Look at the FairTax
  • I believe in getting away from our dependency on foreign oil and turning to better fuel sources (especially renewable energy) - see the Pickens Plan
I think my greatest hope is to see that the republican party wakes up or we see the rise of a new political party. Above all, we need to return to God.

If anything, right now we should begin praying for our newly elected government. Praying for peace and strength and wisdom. Praying for humility and love and kindness. Praying for God's will to be done.

I am very excited that a black man has been elected in the United States. I just wished he was Republican (maybe Michael Steele would consider running). May God Bless America.

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