Thursday, July 31, 2008

The Greatest Threat to the United States Is...

I have heard many people claim they know the greatest threat to America. Neal Boortz for example claims that teacher unions are the greatest threat. Though this group is high on the list (I put them at third and national education in second), I have to disagree with Neal.

I have heard others say that terrorism is a great threat. Others say that unfair taxation is that threat. I agree these are great threats but still I do not see them as the greatest.

If I was to point out one single area that is a great threat, it would have to be the secularization of America - in other words, the tenacious removal of God from America.

If you are one who believes that God was not a founding factor in the founding of American politics and governing, then let me challenge you to read Newt Gingrich's Rediscovering God in America: Reflections on the Role of Faith in Our Nation's History.

Why do I believe this is the biggest threat?

Benjamin Franklin once said, that "the longer I live," (81 years old at the time) "the more convincing proofs I see of this truth - that God governs in the Affairs of Men." He the exhorted the Continental Congress to begin each session with prayer. It was this prayer to God that brought a spirit of peace to the men gathered to hammer out their differences on the Constitution, and it was the glue that keep them from splitting apart the greatest and most successful experiment in government.

John Adams, another of our founding fathers, said "it is religion and Morality alone, which can establish the Principles upon which freedom can securely stand."

Benjamin Franklin is often seen as non-religious and Adams is seen as a deist. Yet in their actions and in their writings, along with the countless others who had their hand in the founding of our country, Freedom of religion is the standard, not freedom from religion.

By removing God from the public life, Liberals are removing all standards of our laws. The problem is that they can then begin to redefine those standards and change them on any whim they please to whatever they please. It will eventually lead to communism, socialism, or anarchy.

The greatest danger of a fully controlled Congress and Presidency is it being controlled by the Democrats and their ultra-liberal leaders.

Unfortunately many Americans have become completely empathetic about the whole election process, and Republicans have hurt the process with their failure to commit to anything. This year's presidential election has been reduced to nothing more than a worthless American Idol contest.

Liberal educators also control the Smithsonian Institute and strongly oppose any views of religious value. Their goal has been to get religion out of the school, to dumb down America, and then re-educate America with false heritage and ever changing principles. Don't belive me - watch Expelled and listen to them say so.

They are succeeding. This is what scares me. This threat is a threat against justice and truth. Suppress truth and you can get people to believe anything. Control justice and you can manipulate people to do anything. The Supreme Court has taken upon itself to illegally redefine its role and now creates law instead of just interpreting it.

This is why there is such a great attack on religion. God represents freedom in its purest form. Liberals hate this idea becuase as long as people can think for themselves they cannot get what they want.

Destroy religion and you destroy the knowledge of freedom. Take away freedom step by step and you lose every principle upon which we stand.

The threat against religion is a threat against the Bill of Rights. Lose the battle of religion and the Bill of Rights is lost.

Tomorrow I will offer some ideas for helping to reverse this trend.

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