Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Getting Votes to Count

Senator Clinton shows she can still win large victories as she easily defeats Senator Obama in West Virginia. Her victory song last night included a call for all votes to count. This will not happen.

But Michigan and Florida voters deserve to vote, don"t they? Yes, I believe so (at the Democratic Parties expense - not the taxpayers). The Democratic Party messed up the vote, and they should pay for it, if they are allowed to re-vote.

I, however, am talking about my stump message. Preaching from my stump pulpit, I want to let you in on a little secret. As long as the primaries are scattered across different months, a true voting process is being avoided. Is this intentional? Sure it is. This allows a party to weed out those it does not want to win.

Party officials will do anything in order to maintain some semblance of control. Having primaries across a number of months, helps them to maneuver their candidate into the spotlight.

A true party vote will not ever happen until by some extraordinary reason party leaders were to have every primary on one day and one day only.

Sorry, folks. It is just politics and manipulation. This is why our country suffers today and we cannot get real legislation passed. We do not have leaders. We have manipulators.

Don't believe me? Why are media leaks so important? Too skew a topic or control a person. It is Washington, remember.

Without true legislation such as the FairTax which will take the government gag out of the mouth of the church, we will continue to get fed political horse-wash from the party elites. This is exactly why Lyndon Johnson created the "non-profit" status for the tax code. He (along with party officials, wanted to squash freedom of speech from the pulpits around the country. His only legal recourse was to manipulate the tax code. Squash speech and truth, and you control minds!

As it goes now, top Republican U.S. Senators are squashing any possibility of a vote on the FairTax (they are very much against it and will do and say anything in order to keep it from being voted on).

Of course, no one in the Democratic Party ever thought that Senator Obama would have worked himself into this position, even though he is their next "bright star." I believe party officials would have much rather have had him follow Senator Clinton after she served eight years.

But does it matter? No. They are getting what they want. Because of the broken primary system, the Republicans have a candidate who won not on his merits but because he out maneuvered others. This would have played out a lot differently if the primaries had all been on one day.

Now the Republican Party faces a big threat from a third party, and they will probably lose this next election due to that party.

May God help us as we usher in a new socialist government. Just think, the Democrats are poised to overwhelming control the Congress and the presidency. What will stop them from increasing taxes in the first two years? Nothing. What will stop them from implementing a trillion dollar health care system that will never work properly? Nothing. What will keep them from running our economy further into the ground? Nothing.

Remember, President Clinton did nothing for our economy when he was in the White House. He was too busy fighting conservative democrats in Congress. Our economy during that period was driven by a computer age that jumped light years ahead of itself and created an economic boom. When it caught up with itself, we had a hiccup.

Yet because of that economic boom and the fact that people are blinded by their inability to balance their checkbooks, they are eager to support another democrat based on tainted history.

The first two years of any Democrat in the office of president will hurt this country for at least a decade. So, go ahead and vote in this popularity contest. Senator Clinton made that plausible last night. She really believes she is the more popular candidate. Too bad she can't run on issues.

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