Thursday, May 29, 2008

Lieberman-Warner Legislation is Bad

How much will the Lieberman-Warner Legislation cost Americans?

Here is a link the Heritage Foundation's research on the effects on each state. How does your state fair?

Here is a link to the video:

Video Here

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

The Republican Party is Falling Apart Fast

The Republican Party has a problem. They do not have a leader. I do not mean that they don't have a candidate for President. I am not implying that they are missing leaders.

They do not have someone to rally around. John McCain has become the new wishy-washy, "I'll say what they want to hear, but hold on to my own beliefs." In other words, he's just another politician going through a political race. His true colors will shine through after the election.

The Congress is in absolute disarray. I can't tell you who the real leader is there. There is not one person who sticks out. At least when Senator Frist was in office, you knew who was calling the shots. The same can be said of Newt Gingrich.

Who do the Congressional leaders rally around now? Not one person comes to mind. John McCain's nomination has caused a clear vacuum to borrow a word.

No wonder people are very disillusioned with the party's leaders. They are in complete denial, and they better wake up quickly. They also need to return to the principles that helped them get elected eight years ago.

To further show how desparate Republican leaders are becoming, just look at congressional seats that have always been Republican and are now turning blue (and not from envy).

I personally am dissatisfied with their lies and inability to get anything done. I am tired of their overspending. I am tired of hearing their pity party over how tax-reform such as the FairTax will disadvantage those who put money in the party's wells. I am tired of a war that should have been fought one step at a time instead of creating a world war.

I am tired of national education. No one left behind is a miserable national failure. Get the federal government out of education.

I am tired of failed immigration reform. I believe in securing the borders. I also believe in comprehensive immigration and worker visas. Let's deal with the illegal immigrants morally and ethically, not just legally.

I am tired of national debt. I am tired of leaders who not understand how to balance a checkbook, and they are the ones in control of our government?
  • Does the Republican Party have a strong leader who can lead us out of debt spending?
  • Does the party have a leader who will have the guts to eradicate the worse government spending machine known as the IRS and replace it with the FairTax?
  • Does the party have a leader who will really deal fairly with illegals while securing our borders?
  • Does the party have the guts to deal with drilling for our own oil and stop the false belief in fuels that cause more pollution that fossil fuels?
The Republican Party better act now, or this time next year we will become a socialist country in the hands of people who are intolerant of religion, free speech, gun ownership, and freedom. The "democratic" ideals will plunge our nation into turmoil and a federal police state.

Sorry to be a naysayer, but the writing is on the wall.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Obama and Hope

So another primary has passed. Senator Obama wins and Senator Clinton wins. Sen. Obama gets a step closer, and Sen. Clinton still believes she has a chance.

Senator Clinton did gain about 15 delegates but no where near enough to have a legitimate argument for being the Democratic nominee. She continues to spout off about being able to win the "big" states. The last time I looked, however, we do not pick our presidents based on large states but based on all states. I guess in her mind the "little" states do not matter.

Of course, the liberal mind-melt is to impress people with big talk and hope they do not realize the pseudo hope they are trying to give everyone.

Here is a good article I read by Father Jonathan about trying to put all your hope in a particular candidate. It is definitely worth the read.

The U.N. to Inspect U.S. Elections

When did we give up our sovereignty as a nation? When did we, a free nation of honor, begin to see the U.N. as anything more than a negotiation table.

I am spitting mad!

The United Nations was never to become a ruling party, and yet we have allowed it to slowly gain more power - unchecked power I may add. Just look at all the problems the U.N. causes.
  • President Bush used its ruling to justify putting together a coalition and finishing off Saddam Hussein
  • President Bush's father wanted to use it to declare his "new world order"
  • Aid monies go unchecked and unfettered into the pockets of dictators
  • They turned blind eyes toward real atrocities - such as Rwanda
  • They mettle in the affairs of everyone (as if they really understood morality - NOT)
  • They created the farce about the climate changes with a pseudo committe that only had about 15 real scientist and 250 diplomats (whose voice do you think was really heard)
''Of course there are people who will always object to the U.N. because they think it's a world government, which is nonsense,'' Madeleine Albright said. - Its charter says it is not a government, but it sure acts like one. If it is not a government, then why does it want or need to inspect our elections?

I could go on but I don't want to get an ulcer thinking about it. I am absolutely mad that our government would allow such an unjustified intrusion into our political and national sovereignty. We are very capable of handling ourselves.

It is high time to send the U.N. packing for some lack-luster appeasement country that will swoon under its believed power. We could use that real estate in New York to better our country and provide better jobs for our people.

If you are mad, I would love to hear it. Digg this or whatever and let's get our voices heard.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Getting Votes to Count

Senator Clinton shows she can still win large victories as she easily defeats Senator Obama in West Virginia. Her victory song last night included a call for all votes to count. This will not happen.

But Michigan and Florida voters deserve to vote, don"t they? Yes, I believe so (at the Democratic Parties expense - not the taxpayers). The Democratic Party messed up the vote, and they should pay for it, if they are allowed to re-vote.

I, however, am talking about my stump message. Preaching from my stump pulpit, I want to let you in on a little secret. As long as the primaries are scattered across different months, a true voting process is being avoided. Is this intentional? Sure it is. This allows a party to weed out those it does not want to win.

Party officials will do anything in order to maintain some semblance of control. Having primaries across a number of months, helps them to maneuver their candidate into the spotlight.

A true party vote will not ever happen until by some extraordinary reason party leaders were to have every primary on one day and one day only.

Sorry, folks. It is just politics and manipulation. This is why our country suffers today and we cannot get real legislation passed. We do not have leaders. We have manipulators.

Don't believe me? Why are media leaks so important? Too skew a topic or control a person. It is Washington, remember.

Without true legislation such as the FairTax which will take the government gag out of the mouth of the church, we will continue to get fed political horse-wash from the party elites. This is exactly why Lyndon Johnson created the "non-profit" status for the tax code. He (along with party officials, wanted to squash freedom of speech from the pulpits around the country. His only legal recourse was to manipulate the tax code. Squash speech and truth, and you control minds!

As it goes now, top Republican U.S. Senators are squashing any possibility of a vote on the FairTax (they are very much against it and will do and say anything in order to keep it from being voted on).

Of course, no one in the Democratic Party ever thought that Senator Obama would have worked himself into this position, even though he is their next "bright star." I believe party officials would have much rather have had him follow Senator Clinton after she served eight years.

But does it matter? No. They are getting what they want. Because of the broken primary system, the Republicans have a candidate who won not on his merits but because he out maneuvered others. This would have played out a lot differently if the primaries had all been on one day.

Now the Republican Party faces a big threat from a third party, and they will probably lose this next election due to that party.

May God help us as we usher in a new socialist government. Just think, the Democrats are poised to overwhelming control the Congress and the presidency. What will stop them from increasing taxes in the first two years? Nothing. What will stop them from implementing a trillion dollar health care system that will never work properly? Nothing. What will keep them from running our economy further into the ground? Nothing.

Remember, President Clinton did nothing for our economy when he was in the White House. He was too busy fighting conservative democrats in Congress. Our economy during that period was driven by a computer age that jumped light years ahead of itself and created an economic boom. When it caught up with itself, we had a hiccup.

Yet because of that economic boom and the fact that people are blinded by their inability to balance their checkbooks, they are eager to support another democrat based on tainted history.

The first two years of any Democrat in the office of president will hurt this country for at least a decade. So, go ahead and vote in this popularity contest. Senator Clinton made that plausible last night. She really believes she is the more popular candidate. Too bad she can't run on issues.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Two's Company and Three is a Crowd

The power of the two main political parties in the United States is showing its true colors today as Bob Barr announces he will be a candidate for president in the Libertarian Party. What are they saying?

Bring It On? No. The Republicans are saying that Bob Barr is going to upset John McCain's ability to become president. So they are vehemently going to oppose his choice to enter into the race. This should get fun.

Bob Barr is from Georgia and as an elected official was very outspoken on many issues. He may be too late to enter for the Libertarian candidacy but who knows. He would make a strong candidate and be a very good alternative for those looking for someone who is much more conservative than Sen. McCain.

I will have to see how this pans out before I go pushing for Mr. Barr. His candidacy will have a very big impact on the Democratic Party. Here's what I think:
  • Senator Clinton knows that without Michigan and Florida counting, then she does not have any chance of winning
  • She is also smart enough not to rock the boat too much in hopes that Senator Obama loses to Senator McCain
  • Senator Clinton would then be poised to run again for President in four years. Why? Senator McCain will be 80 years old and many believe he would not be able to win a second term at that age
  • But hold on! Now Mr. Barr entered the race as a candidate for the Libertarian Party. If Mr Barr wins the libertarian nomination, how much support will this third party candidate be able to muster?
  • Senator Obama may now sneak by for the Presidency! What? And now he is young, and Senator Clinton would have to wait another 8 years?
Like I said, This is fixing to get really fun.

Dr. Mike Adams gives us a great new article on the FairTax. Take a look

Also, what is the federal tax system costing us? Take a look at this pdf file.

Friday, May 9, 2008

The Constitution Party and Its Candidate

I was reading the latest article from Dr. Chuck Baldwin, who is the candidate for President of the United States of America for the Constitution Party, and thought I should share it. Here is the Link.

The Constitution Party also has my second favorite tax plan. I kind of like the idea of the federal politicians having to argue for less spending. Here is a link to their tax idea.

Have a great weekend.

The Meeting Of The Mouths

Monday, May 5, 2008

Gas Tax Moratorium?

Senator Clinton is playing the masses. She says that she is introducing a bill that will eliminated the gas tax for the summer and then tax the profits of the oil companies. She also says that the bill will keep the companies from raising prices so they cannot recoup the cost of the tax.

Is she for real? Does she honestly believe that she can use government to control the cost of corporations? In my opinion, our country will be on the fast track towards socialism, if this is allowed to happen.

As far as I understand business, I do not know any business that will allow its profits to suffer without trying to recouped the loses. Maybe basic economics is not required for government officials.

How about a more bold approach to the overall problem? Here is some advice, "Stop putting band-aids on everything, and fix the big problem." Our elected politicians are power hungry and know that if they give up any control of taxes they lose that power.

The Bible says this about power:

Like a roaring lion and a charging bear Is a wicked ruler over poor people. 16 A ruler who lacks understanding is a great oppressor, But he who hates covetousness will prolong his days.Prov 28:15-16 (NKJV)

The Democratic Party as it is represented today wants to call a person like me intolerable. Yet they are the ones preaching intolerance when they decide to force their worldview on me. They are so blinded by their ideals (as honorable as they may believe them to be) that they are ready to crush anyone who may hold views different than them, in the name of "tolerance".

I want to see people helped out, but not at the expense of my freedoms. I saw Ben Stein's film, Expelled, the other day. The Darwinist scientists literally admitted that they hoped that through their "research" that they can eradicate religion from our society.

I did not say it. I am not putting words in their mouths, nor am I misquoting them. Higher academia wants to quell anything that disagrees, and this is the same attitude that prevails throughout the majority of the Democratic party and its leaders and its political candidates.

The longer our federal government controls the strings of our tax system the more time they have to convince people that freedom does not matter. The quickest way to get rid of freedom is to get rid of religious views.

Why religious views? Because they believe religion is evil. They also know that religion enhances creative thinking (but you will not hear them admit this). Creative thinkers create problems for those looking for people they can manipulate. Darwinists literally believe that man does not have "free will"! Christianity, however, embraces the fact that all men have free will, and this is why sin exists in our world today. More on this later.

I hope a few more people will look a lot closer at the FairTax. It may be the best way to re-embrace freedom in this country that will allow us to act freely in the betterment of our society.

I believe in a greater America. I believe we can work better to improve our environment, help those in need, and insure those who need insurance. We can work with the government to bring about a healthy change, but we have to get rid of the farce that there is a Constitutional "separation of church and state".

Before I rant anymore, let me end by saying that we live in a great country, and we live here for a purpose. We have a chance to fulfill God's plan for bringing His truth to the world and help end poverty among other things but we cannot do this as long as the government is held hostage by those who misquote the Constitution.