Monday, May 12, 2008

Two's Company and Three is a Crowd

The power of the two main political parties in the United States is showing its true colors today as Bob Barr announces he will be a candidate for president in the Libertarian Party. What are they saying?

Bring It On? No. The Republicans are saying that Bob Barr is going to upset John McCain's ability to become president. So they are vehemently going to oppose his choice to enter into the race. This should get fun.

Bob Barr is from Georgia and as an elected official was very outspoken on many issues. He may be too late to enter for the Libertarian candidacy but who knows. He would make a strong candidate and be a very good alternative for those looking for someone who is much more conservative than Sen. McCain.

I will have to see how this pans out before I go pushing for Mr. Barr. His candidacy will have a very big impact on the Democratic Party. Here's what I think:
  • Senator Clinton knows that without Michigan and Florida counting, then she does not have any chance of winning
  • She is also smart enough not to rock the boat too much in hopes that Senator Obama loses to Senator McCain
  • Senator Clinton would then be poised to run again for President in four years. Why? Senator McCain will be 80 years old and many believe he would not be able to win a second term at that age
  • But hold on! Now Mr. Barr entered the race as a candidate for the Libertarian Party. If Mr Barr wins the libertarian nomination, how much support will this third party candidate be able to muster?
  • Senator Obama may now sneak by for the Presidency! What? And now he is young, and Senator Clinton would have to wait another 8 years?
Like I said, This is fixing to get really fun.

Dr. Mike Adams gives us a great new article on the FairTax. Take a look

Also, what is the federal tax system costing us? Take a look at this pdf file.

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