Tuesday, May 27, 2008

The Republican Party is Falling Apart Fast

The Republican Party has a problem. They do not have a leader. I do not mean that they don't have a candidate for President. I am not implying that they are missing leaders.

They do not have someone to rally around. John McCain has become the new wishy-washy, "I'll say what they want to hear, but hold on to my own beliefs." In other words, he's just another politician going through a political race. His true colors will shine through after the election.

The Congress is in absolute disarray. I can't tell you who the real leader is there. There is not one person who sticks out. At least when Senator Frist was in office, you knew who was calling the shots. The same can be said of Newt Gingrich.

Who do the Congressional leaders rally around now? Not one person comes to mind. John McCain's nomination has caused a clear vacuum to borrow a word.

No wonder people are very disillusioned with the party's leaders. They are in complete denial, and they better wake up quickly. They also need to return to the principles that helped them get elected eight years ago.

To further show how desparate Republican leaders are becoming, just look at congressional seats that have always been Republican and are now turning blue (and not from envy).

I personally am dissatisfied with their lies and inability to get anything done. I am tired of their overspending. I am tired of hearing their pity party over how tax-reform such as the FairTax will disadvantage those who put money in the party's wells. I am tired of a war that should have been fought one step at a time instead of creating a world war.

I am tired of national education. No one left behind is a miserable national failure. Get the federal government out of education.

I am tired of failed immigration reform. I believe in securing the borders. I also believe in comprehensive immigration and worker visas. Let's deal with the illegal immigrants morally and ethically, not just legally.

I am tired of national debt. I am tired of leaders who not understand how to balance a checkbook, and they are the ones in control of our government?
  • Does the Republican Party have a strong leader who can lead us out of debt spending?
  • Does the party have a leader who will have the guts to eradicate the worse government spending machine known as the IRS and replace it with the FairTax?
  • Does the party have a leader who will really deal fairly with illegals while securing our borders?
  • Does the party have the guts to deal with drilling for our own oil and stop the false belief in fuels that cause more pollution that fossil fuels?
The Republican Party better act now, or this time next year we will become a socialist country in the hands of people who are intolerant of religion, free speech, gun ownership, and freedom. The "democratic" ideals will plunge our nation into turmoil and a federal police state.

Sorry to be a naysayer, but the writing is on the wall.

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